Scam Callers

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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Does anyone else ever get these and know a way to stop them?

Usually they are Indian guys with heavy accents with an American name like "Bobby". I got one today, I knew better. He wanted to check my Windows Security. I told him I was doing it, but didn't really (was playing a game using a controller). I then told him I'm not dumb enough to fall for your scam and hung up.

I did register for that "do not call" list a couple years ago, but still get these calls. Is there another way to get these calls to stop? Or should I just keep trolling them?

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
A scumbag with an Indian accent called me a few months ago with the same Windows Security scam telling me I had a virus. It was around 9 pm on a Saturday. I pointed out that I use Linux not Windows and hung up.

Less than a minute later he called me back and threatened me with every profanity in the book. I hung up again and the next day bought an answering machine that screens all my calls for me. This is for my landline since I don't own a cell phone.

I've been on the No Call list for many years and have an unlisted number and it doesn't do jack squat. A few years ago I asked a guy how he got my number and he told me, in a rare moment of honesty, his company bought it from a list. Apparently we had given to charity and gave our phone number. Once you do that it's all over. No good deed goes unpunished.

Alaskan Ram

Last Frontier Member
Jan 8, 2013
I have two standard techniques:
1) Keep them on the line long enough to step out onto the porch with an air horn. Blast that thing into the Mic. I've read it can be quite unpleasant. People have been sued for this when the call is from a legit entity and it caused hearing damage.
2) Have fun with it. I usually go into how my family is a few thousand $'s short of funds needed for our son Timmy's heart surgery. Pour it on thick and let the desperation come across as irrational judgment....... I start giving away a fake bank account number and tell them 'just in case' here is the banking password to the account. I ramble on and on about how their phone call is the answer to our prayers, and if they could wire a donation (or my winnings) right away it could save Timmy's life. Go into how when they call your bank to do the deposit they may be asked security questions.....My first dog was Spot, etc, etc...... Whether they believe my shtick or not, they always hang up on me.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
I really like the calls from people speaking in broken English telling me they are calling from the IRS and I was going to be arrested if I don't give them my bank account number so they can get their money I owe them. I keep them on the line as long as I can and then I tell them the call is being recorded and I'm turning it over to the DA's

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I really like the calls from people speaking in broken English telling me they are calling from the IRS and I was going to be arrested if I don't give them my bank account number so they can get their money I owe them. I keep them on the line as long as I can and then I tell them the call is being recorded and I'm turning it over to the DA's

I had to call the local motor vehicle department here in Maryland the other day because both my wife and I had to renew our drivers licenses. So I get this voice on the other end on a prerecorded message with a thick Spanish accent. I could barely understand what she was saying and had to call back a second time. Even then it was barely intelligible.

This is a message that's going out to people all over the state who need help with vehicle registrations, tickets, drivers license business, etc., and they can't understand a word. So I'm saying to myself, WTH were they thinking? Yeah, let's get the one person in the office who can barely converse in English to do this recording. My guess is they did that after lunch on a Friday.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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I never had a guy call me back. It's funny, but at the same time it's sad that some people actually go for this.

You have to learn how to freak with them when they call.
It'll be the best entertainment of your life.


This is the EXACT same call I got today. Part of me wants to troll them more like this guy did, the other part thinks it's just a waste of time to do so.

Side note: in case anyone didn't know, I'm of Indian heritage and my family is from India. We all get pissed when these douches give all the honest folks a bad rep. Fuck.

Edit: Goddamnit @-X- now you got me in this rabbit hole of scam prank vids.
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Jan 15, 2013
A scumbag with an Indian accent called me a few months ago with the same Windows Security scam telling me I had a virus. It was around 9 pm on a Saturday. I pointed out that I use Linux not Windows and hung up.

Less than a minute later he called me back and threatened me with every profanity in the book. I hung up again and the next day bought an answering machine that screens all my calls for me. This is for my landline since I don't own a cell phone.

I've been on the No Call list for many years and have an unlisted number and it doesn't do jack squat. A few years ago I asked a guy how he got my number and he told me, in a rare moment of honesty, his company bought it from a list. Apparently we had given to charity and gave our phone number. Once you do that it's all over. No good deed goes unpunished.
If you give your number to almost anything (charity, political stuff, whatever) it will be sold. Being non published only helps someone looking specifically for you not find you, but, this is not how telemarketers get their information. The No Call List usually does help (charities and political stuff is except)....problem is, the scam calls are not legal and are based (almost always) outside of the U.S.
So it goes.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I really like the calls from people speaking in broken English telling me they are calling from the IRS and I was going to be arrested if I don't give them my bank account number so they can get their money I owe them. I keep them on the line as long as I can and then I tell them the call is being recorded and I'm turning it over to the DA's

I wish I'd get this call. I'd have some fun with it. :LOL:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I have two standard techniques:
1) Keep them on the line long enough to step out onto the porch with an air horn. Blast that thing into the Mic. I've read it can be quite unpleasant. People have been sued for this when the call is from a legit entity and it caused hearing damage.
2) Have fun with it. I usually go into how my family is a few thousand $'s short of funds needed for our son Timmy's heart surgery. Pour it on thick and let the desperation come across as irrational judgment....... I start giving away a fake bank account number and tell them 'just in case' here is the banking password to the account. I ramble on and on about how their phone call is the answer to our prayers, and if they could wire a donation (or my winnings) right away it could save Timmy's life. Go into how when they call your bank to do the deposit they may be asked security questions.....My first dog was Spot, etc, etc...... Whether they believe my shtick or not, they always hang up on me.

I'm going to get an airhorn. That is brilliant!!!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
The do not call registry does work, it just does not stop non compliance.
The worst thing are (I don't know what the actual term is) these call bots. You answer the phone and there's nobody there. YOu call the number back on the caller ID and the number doesnt exist. These are particularly annoying because all they are doing is searching to see if the number is active. So if you answer or a voicemail does, it registers as an active phone number and boom, you just made a list...


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
As far as the do not call list goes, my understanding and this is just from doing some internet research is that it is complaint driven. If enough people on the list complain that a certain company is calling them, the FCC can fine them or shut down their call center. Companies that are decent, generally don't call people on the list. Companies that don't care, will generally have so many numbers that it takes a lot to get on the FCC radar.

There is no such list for businesses but if you ask them to take you off their list, they are supposed to do so unless they have a compelling reason to keep you on it - such as you owe them money.

At home, what I have always done when I have time is to tell them the person they are calling for (generally me) is here but I will have to look for him. I pretend to call me and listen in on the phone. Generally these people are in a call center and can have some interesting conversations while they think you are not listening. I had one guy teasing a girl in the office about knowing she didn't wear panties from when she was dancing on the tables at a bar. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, when it seems like they are about to give up, I tell them that he said he'll be here in a second. Then a little later I will shout at me to just pick up the damn phone. It just becomes a game of seeing how long I can keep them on the phone. Sometimes I'll have my wife pick up on "accident" and tell them he's on his way.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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The Bot thing is interesting, thanks for that info. Had no idea.

I'll def try to mess them from now on. I wanna here their convos too. Hopefully they talk in their language and I'll listen and understand it! HA.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I usually pick up the phone and say in a gravelly voice

" yeah it's done, what should I do with the body"


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
i have a three pronged attack.

1.) i dont answer the phone. (unless i specifically speak to and ask for a return call)

2.) answer with : What the f*ck do you want?

3.) respond with a gross situation on your end of the phone.
example: .............. them: "is Force16x at home?"
me: ........................ hold on a minute. hey, what causes a toenail to just come off your toe? and whats the gooey, pussy stuff where it used to be?

or pull an alec baldwin (glengary glenross) ..................A, B, H.
A ; always
B ; be
H ; hanging up
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Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
I never get spam calls. But I do have to call comcast a lot cause they suck ass. Anytime I have to call a company cause they suck I get pissed off and curse non stop. I tell the person I'm not angry at them and it's not personal, but continue being an angry psycho till they fix the issue. I've worked 3 telemarketing jobs and In all honesty, the hateful yelling and death threatening never bothered me, enjoyed them actually. Lol. These guys know they are a pain in the ass but gotta make money.

The India fkn though really piss me off to a whole new level. I bring a shit storm upon them that they can't even comprehend.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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Do Not Call list apparently doesn't work. I got caller ID, still though sometimes people we know have "unknown" or "anonymous" numbers so we answer all the time.

In the big picture we don't get a lot of these calls, but they've been picking up a bit more recently.