I want my number to be same throughout my career, so that old photographs displayed in Canton will be consistent...Mannion wouldn't budge, huh?
He liked 2 also, just not allowed.I actually liked 2 on him. But 12 will do lol
Same number he has in Madden, fwiw
A worthy successor to Stedman Bailey.
I was going to say Namath but Bailey will do.
I still think that sans head injury, Bailey could've made this squad. He was a hell of a gunner as well. I hope that the Rams offer him a coaching job, even as an intern.
No. Someone was gunning for his cousin while the two (and two kids) were sitting in a car.I forgot the circumstances of his event...did the cops shoot him?
I forgot the circumstances of his event...did the cops shoot him?
No. What I assume were cowardly gangbangers shot him and his cousin in a random drive-by. He sustained two shots to the head, and his cousin was shot after he threw his body to protect two children in the car.
freaking cowards ruined Bailey's career for what? The world's a crazier place than I remember, and I've only been alive for twenty-six years.
Did the cops come to his rescue?
Paramedics did. I think cops did as well, but they haven't caught the fuckers who did that. Doubt they ever will because I'm pretty sure that they didn't target Bailey or even his cousin.