I heard a great story about that madman this morning on my local sports talk show.
Butkus... for all the young'ens... wouldn't be able to play like he did in today's NFL. He played to literally maim his opponents. Seriously.
The old player telling the story about Butkus this morning said this...
He was stuck in the bottom of a pile of players after a play. Butkus was down in the bottom of it too. While the players on top of the pile were climbing off, apparently Butkus grabbed this player who was telling the story's hand and proceeded to bite the fucking shit out of it. He was screaming. When he was finally able to get himself out of the pile, everybody including the refs were surrounding him trying to see what he was screaming about.
Blood was pouring out of his hand from the bite. He told the ref that Butkus bit his hand. The ref turned straight to Butkus and Butkus was fucking growling like a wild animal. Literally. So the ref asked him if he had bitten this players hand. Butkus replied...
"If I had been the one who bit his hand... he would be missing at least 2 or 3 fingers!"
So... no flags were thrown and they went on with the game.