totally get it -- during the season,
but in the off-season not really
here is a good example of why i think during the off-season they should merge:
this morning there is a nice post by Dewey today about what we think our ideal O-Line will be for 2015
But it draft picks all over the thing, like I said my ideal line would have 2 draft picks. So it's just kinda odd in some sense that you can discuss draft picks on the meat and potatoes board but it has to be framed in such a way (as DCH did) that it includes references to the actual team,
Anyway, my point is only that there are draft discussions going on int he meat and potatoes board and during the off-season it makes absolutely no sense to separate them since it is the OFF SEASON and that's all us freaks discuss
What ends up happening is that people like us forget it even exits, or consider it a tertiary topic on the Rams when it is actually the #1 topic.
Otherwise we are left to discuss Tom Brady cheating all day.
* on the general sports stuff it makes total sense, us soccer freaks get it, not everyone wants to talk Arsene Wenger transfer policy, but we are talking Rams football and that is not apples and oranges but apples and apples
Anyway thanks for listening my RamFan503, just my two cents