Putting Down Animals

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Thursday night we had to put down one of our horses. He was 26 years old, lived a good life. He was bread by my in laws the same year as my wife was born. Our horses and theirs live together, so seeing him frequently, it was hard to incision the pastures without him on them. Last year we had to put his older sister down. It's just hard to do such a thing. But necessary. Luckily our oldest horse now is 14-15 years old, so we should be good for a while. Anyone have to experience these things? I was at work when he went down, he has been wasting away, but my mother in law refused to let me end it for him. Wednesday night he fell and couldn't get up. Pneumonia was right around the corner. Luckily one of my wife's childhood friends was home visiting and he went and did it for me.


May 28, 2011
I've always had a vet do it, simply because its more peaceful in my opinion. The only time I had to put down a dog was in the military one of the strays we adopted got seriously injured. It wasn't a good day, not an easy thing to do. I feel for you man.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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It can really effect you, fact is tho, where I come from, I think most folks cant find $150 to have a vet make a house call to do it.


Jan 14, 2013
I have issues running over frogs on a rainy road. With mammals I simply can not do it. As a dog lover & dog rescuer family ....when the time comes I have to ask the vets to provide the good feeling costly $$ shot where the animal he or she is put to a easy soft sleep....I have to go before they give the shot to stop the heart. This family animal/pets endings are just bad even for a 59 yr old man as I. Sorry El Juggernauto for me this experience will make you sing the blues..its takes a lot of time....hang in there your not alone in these matters. http://www.ramsondemand.com/members/el-juggernauto.654/

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I didn't have to shoot this one. It doesn't bother me to be the trigger man. It's just the flood of memories. I love animals. The horse that died Thursday is the horse I learned to ride on. It needed done, he was suffering. I doubt he weighed 400 lbs. he should be closer to 1000. The part that bothered me is that the ground is frozen. We couldn't dig. Last year, for his sister, we were able to dig a sloped hole and lead her in. It was easy. With him, we had to take him to the edge of the property, put some lie on him and cover him with sticks. Just bad timing. It pissed me off because all summer I said we need to do it. Me wife kept getting in her parents ear. They didn't want to. Now, he had to go the wrong way. The guy that did it, had to shoot 3 times, which pissed me off. I wish I could have just done it myself. I'm sorry guys, I know it's a lot of detail, and not everyone is cut from this cloth.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
It sounds like he lead a good life and you had no choice. That would seem to make things as easy as possible under the circumstance.

Sucks tho.


Thursday night we had to put down one of our horses. He was 26 years old, lived a good life. He was bread by my in laws the same year as my wife was born. Our horses and theirs live together, so seeing him frequently, it was hard to incision the pastures without him on them. Last year we had to put his older sister down. It's just hard to do such a thing. But necessary. Luckily our oldest horse now is 14-15 years old, so we should be good for a while. Anyone have to experience these things? I was at work when he went down, he has been wasting away, but my mother in law refused to let me end it for him. Wednesday night he fell and couldn't get up. Pneumonia was right around the corner. Luckily one of my wife's childhood friends was home visiting and he went and did it for me.

Sorry to hear of your loss jugg.

Having to take my dog into the vet to be put down is one of the most tearful memories that I carry with me to this day.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
The only animal I ever had to put down on my own was a chipmunk I struck with a rock after more than a dozen throws trying to scare them away from our backpacking campsite. Nailed it in the head and the poor thing flopped about in convulsions. You could call it a lucky shot, but I didn't. I half-heartedly set a large rock on the carcass.

4 straight years, from 2005 to 08, I stayed while each of our 2 cats and 2 dogs were put to sleep. It seemed the least I could do.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
My parents put down the two dogs I grew up with over the past 3 years, I was away at school. Was tough. They were like part of the family. I still miss them.