When I was a kid, I was walking up our rather long driveway when about a hundred of those evil fuckers swarmed my head. No provocation. Just minding my own business. I sprinted up the hill swatting and shaking my head. Got bitten all over my head. All I could think of was WTF!?!
About three weeks later it happened again. This time I was pissed. I snuck back down to the barn and found a gallon of lacquer which I poured down their hole. I then lit the hole. It was great. At first a flame about a foot high was shooting out of the hole with the nasty little things burning with it. Then the flame died down a bit and was invisible. Invisible until one of those dickheads flew over the hole. It looked like a little orange flame would reach up and grab them. THAT's good entertainment right there.
I hate yellow jackets but they started it. And don't get me started about yellow jackets and hunting.