A little background on the cat. She was put down a little over a year ago, about a year and a half ago. She was just shy of 19, by a couple of weeks. Her name was Java. She was found behind a garage with her mother and the rest of the litter. A kind person took them in and let them get healthy and grow up a bit before taking them to the local shelter.
We had just lost a cat briefly (long story she was able to get home after being essentially kidnapped) and so were looking for another. We went to the shelter and saw Java sleeping in litter with litter clumped in her claws so we got her out of there ASAP. I was pissed that a shelter would ignore animals like that, it was an unpleasant thing to see that place.
Anyway she was very feral and only allowed us to pet her, and for years would tense up if you had both hands on her. She was no lap cat until she was elderly and frail and wanted body heat LOL.
She took down a mallard once and was dragging it into the house, fortunately we were able to get to her and get her to let it go or it would have been a disaster. It's a good thing we were looking out the window to see her dragging it across the lawn. Snakes, frogs, mice, birds you name it she killed it. Once we were sitting outside in the evening and it was still light out. The cats loved that property because it was heavily wooded and lots of hunting to do. One of the cats actually used to hang out with the deer we had all the time. Anyway there was a dragonfly buzzing around and it caught her eye. She moved to a position under it and tracked it for about 3 seconds then leapt up and snagged it out of the air with her mouth. She landed, ate it and laid down in the grass by us. I wish that I could have gotten it on tape because she jumped up about 7 feet I swear.
You can see the muscle in her body in that pic, and she was older in that. The deck is on the back of that house which is on a slope so that's a second story. The railing was warped from a bad piece of wood and for some reason she liked jumping up there. When it got replaced she still jumped up on it though.
That girl had a great life!