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Jim Thomas Live
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mike Wild: Jim,

Will the Rams put together a package for fans to go to London? Also, will we only pay for 7 regular season games next year (season tix)? Miss. Your reports on 101 but caught you tonight on KMOX . Huge loss for 101!

Go Rams!

JIM THOMAS: I believe it's a yes on the package to London But no details yet.

I think the Rams are overhauling their pricing. But I've been told that no matter how it ends up, season ticket holders will pay no more than 90 percent of a 10-game schedule. (Which includes the two preseason games.)

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mategan: Hey Jim,
Lets assume the Rams reach an agreement with the CVC and resolve this lease issue. When could we expect these improvements to take place? Would they start working on it this offseason? And when could we expect a completed renovation? Any ideas.

JIM THOMAS: I think the expectations are that the lease negotiations will drag out most of this calendar year. So I think the earliest anything can be done is prior to the 2013 season.

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Dave: Hey Jim, quick question about the CVC and the Rams playing in London. Is there any information available on the specifics of the negotiation? Did the CVC get something in return for allowing the games? From a business perspective, those games (over 3 years) are decent leverage with respect to the Dome lease. Any indication if the outcome of the negotiations have any direct impact on the lease? Thanks!

JIM THOMAS: I have heard no details on this.

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Jim S: Jim, thanks for the chats. In addition to the Rams, several other teams are in need of new GM's. But, of the names that the Rams have interviewed, only a few seem to be candidates for the other teams also (such as Grigson). Why is this? If, indeed, the Rams are seeking the best and the brightest (as all teams supposedly are) for the GM position, shouldn't there be more candidates of multiple teams? Keim, Paton, Dawson, etc aren't/weren't being pursued by other teams. Are we looking at low-hanging friut here, or what? After the BD years, it's more important to hit a home run with this GM pick than it would be to pick the right guy with our top draft pick.

JIM THOMAS: Actually, no other teams are looking for a GM at this point. And I think only three other teams total were looking for a GM: Indy (which took Grigson), Chicago, and Oakland. Indy and Oakland chose their candidates very quickly.

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Jimmy: Hi Jim,

As for the GM position, Lake Dawson would be a great choice as he worked with Fisher but is he a viable candidate? Tom Gamble looks like a good one too. But sorry I am not impressed with the rest of the list of the candidates. What do you think and do you know who the front runner is for the GM position?

Thanks Jim

JIM THOMAS: Dawson is inexperienced, particularly in the area of college scouting. Gamble has a very good resume. Keim has a very good reputationn in college scouting, and the Cardinals have hit on a lot of picks during his tenure.

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brokeu91: Hi JT thanks for taking our questions. My question is about the GM search. Who are currently the front runners for the job? Also, what will happen to our scouting department? I figure that since the GM won't be in place till mid-February that there will not be enough time to overhaul or scouting department. Is that a bad thing? I mean, how good is our scouting department and will the GM not having a relationship with them effect how well the team drafts?

JIM THOMAS: I really don't have a sense for who the frontrunners are, although obviously we have to put Minnesota's George Paton on that list since he's the f irst of the candidates to get a second interview. All of the scouts are under contract until after the draft. So there probably won't be any changes there until May. I think there are some pretty good scouts in the Rams' scouting department, but I think it's obvious that no matter who comes in, there will be some changes.

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imadino: Hi Jim,
The CVC was quick to relent to the NFL on the London home games, (3 years worth), which I find to be an insult to STL fans and taxpayers, especially PSL owners. Are you aware of anything the CVC received from the NFL or Stan Kroenke in return? This entire fiasco over the stadium and moving home games to London is so "in-your-face" provacative by Stan Kroenke that I have zero respect for him and I also have lost all interest in Rams related issues like the draft, what's happening with coaches, etc.

JIM THOMAS: How do you know the CVC relented? And it's my understanding that the CVC and the Rams had been working on the issue before it become public knowledge.

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BLU2222: Jim when can teams trade with each other just wanted to know.

JIM THOMAS: The so-called league year begins a little later this year _ March 13.

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Robert Hartz: Big Bob: Jim: Have you heard any talk on this years training camp
location. With the new coach it would make sense
to have it at Ram's Park.

JIM THOMAS: I have not. I'm sure it's not high on Fisher's list at this point, but I believe he always trained in Nashville once the Titans were settled in there.

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bfulton: Thanks for the report that the Rams are unlikely to re-sign RBs Cadillac Williams or Jerious Norwood. Have any other players been notified that they won't be brought back?

JIM THOMAS: I don't think Cadillac Williams or Jerious Norwood been informed of that yet. In writing that, it was just my read on the situation. I think we're still a few weeks away from players being told they aren't coming back, etc. Remember, the league year starts later this year (March 13).

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virginiatom: Jim, as behind the scenes people such as the General Manager are relatively unknown, can you give some insight as to the professional reputations around the league of some of the leading candidates for the Rams GM position?

JIM THOMAS: Interesting question. All of these guys are No. 2 and No. 3 in their departments. And one of the toughest things to do I think is truly gauge who's making the decisions, who's really championing the cause of players who get drafted.
But here are a few of the things I've heard from people I've talked to on the subject. (Keep in mind I'm a little more familiar with the NFC guys than the AFC guys):
--Joey Clinkscales, NY Jets, works very hard on the road. Has more experience in college scouting than many of the candidates.
--Tom Gamble, San Francisco, probably has the best resume, best depth of experience of the group.
--Steve Keim, Arizona, have yet to hear anyone say anything bad about the guy. Has a very good reputation when it comes to college scouting.
--George Paton, Minnesota, considered a bright up-and-comer, but most of his experience in pro personnel.
--Lake Dawson, Tennessee, Bright and energetic. Most people say good things about him but wonder if he has enough seasoning. Very little experience in college personnel.

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Bigdog: What can you tell us about the big OL we signed from the CFL?

JIM THOMAS: Teams are in the process of building up their rosters to the offseason limits of 80. So I don't want to diss the guy _ because I just haven't researched him _ but he could just be a camp guy. I've been pulled in a lot of different directions lately _ coach & GM firing, coach & GM hire, London, lease, Senior Bowl, Super Bowl, etc. _ but I'll try to find out something on the guy.

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STL45Fan: Hey Jim, a number of mock drafts are predicting a trade with Cleveland for the Rams #2 pick. Do you think that the Rams will accept less from the Browns to stay at #4 than to receive more from say the Skins or Fins? IMO the Browns 2 #1 picks would be enough for the #2 pick and still have a chance at Blackmon or Kalil at #4. Not to be greedy, your thoughts?

JIM THOMAS: In theory you expect more from teams moving up farther. So yes, I think the Rams would accept less from the Browns at No. 4. And as you mention, that way they should be able to get either Blackmon or Kalil. Who knows what it will take. But since the Browns would be moving up for a QB (most likely RGIII), I'd like to see them get more than just the 4th and 22nd picks. I don't know, maybe a fourth-rounder.

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STL45Fan: Hey Jim, any chance that the Colts would opt for an exciting offense with RG3 instead of and efficient one with Luck? What do you think the Rams would do if Luck is there at #2? Thanks.

JIM THOMAS: I think they still would entertain any and all trade offers from a quarterback-needy team.

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Fan in Fort Worth: Hello Jim,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that Fisher's role with the Rams is very similar to what Bill Parcel use to do when he was coaching. He has a lot of power and is even involved in finding the nest GM for the Rams. Isn't the GM supposed to be over the head coach in the pecking order? Just what will the GM's responsibility be exactly? I thought Kronke wanted the coach to coach, period. Can you clearly define Fisher's and the next GM's role?

JIM THOMAS: I think the GM/head coach role has to play out. It's not unusual for an experienced head coach to want a lot of say in personnel. But I don't think Fisher is hung up on having all the power. He and Kevin Demoff want a collaborative effect. And I think it's a good thing that he's involved in the process, to make sure _ at least as much as possible _ that this is someonoe you can work with. I'd rather have it that way than to have a GM come in that Fisher hasn't talked to very much and then you find out after the fact that they can't really get along.

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ihtnep: Hi Jim,

Is Bill Belichick a first round hall of famer? I don't think he should get in at all, but please tell me that the voters will at least throw us peons in St. Louis a small bone by denying him the first time around.

JIM THOMAS: You know I'm always surprised that in national sports media circles, Belichick's indiscretions are rarely mentioned. I'm sorry, it's part of his legacy _ as much as part of his legacy as upsetting Mike Martz and the Rams in Super Bowl XXXIV. So we'll see.

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Tackleberry: Jim,

What needs do you see the Rams looking to fill via free agency versus the draft? Will the Rams FINALLY draft a running back of the future?

JIM THOMAS: This year with no lockout we got back to the usual offseason system. Free agency _ at least the big names in free agency _ unfolds below the draft. So it depends on which free agents, at which positions, are enticing to the Rams when free agency starts. And that in turn, has an effect on what you do in the draft. I'd love to see the Rams take an RB of the future in the draft. But with a new head coach, and a GM to be name, I'd be a liar if I said I know what the Rams are thinking.

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sciipo: Hello Jim,

As I look around the league, I think the teams with the most talented rosters are: San Francisco. New York (Giants) and New Orleans. Why hasn't the Rams interviewed anyone from those personnel departments for the GM job?

JIM THOMAS: Tom Gamble of the 49ers is interviewing with the Rams today.

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Buzz: Jim,
Tom Gamble seems the ideal GM candidate on paper. He has a nice mix of pro and amateur scouting experience. Was he on the Rams radar before Fisher was hired? Really, SF had a talented roster before Harbaugh, they just didn't have a coach. The one candidate that concerns me is Ron Hill. He has the most experience of them all, but I am concerned that he didn't get a job with another team after Atlanta let him go. Do you know why? Thanks.

JIM THOMAS: I don't know when Gamble appeared on the Rams radar. But I agree with you that on paper he looks to have an impressive resume.
As for Hill, I don't know why he hasn't gotten a job with another team.

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brett: who do you think the favorite to become our GM is ?...what are all the rumors that i am hearing about us maybe changing uniform colors..maybe, is there any truth to that...? thank you..

JIM THOMAS: I can't pick a GM favorite. (Again George Paton must be one of them since he's getting a second interview.)
The only thing I've heard regarding the uniforms is that the Rams have to get rid of one of their pants colors. They currently have three _ white, blue, and gold _ they're supposed to have only two.

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steve: tom brady is getting a huge pass after the super bowl! all the talk is about dropped passes, gronk failing to break up an interception, and gisele. let's not forget that brady held the ball FOREVER in the end zone and then threw it down the middle of the field to no one for a safety. if he waits a half second and throws branch open to the left rather than throwing it right at a defender who deflected the pass and behind branch, they have the ball past half field. everyone says welker should've made that catch. agreed. but, then, brady should've thrown the ball and hit him in stride; he was wide open! rather, he throws a ball that forces welker to spin around and reach well over his head while leaving his feet to catch it. and brady underthrew the pass to gronkowski so badly that a linebacker was able to get back turn around twice, locate the ball, and make the interception. if he leads gronk properly, it's a touchdown. the hernandez drop doesn't mean a darn thing. the patriots were better off not catching that ball due to clock issues. all this talk "did brady's receivers let him down?" is crap. if they are supposed to make those plays in such a big game, then shouldn't brady throw better balls in those plays in such a big game? i swear.

JIM THOMAS: I thought Brady was a little off much of the night. Even when he was completing 16 in a row, many of them were short passes. One thing that I've noticed about the Patriots of the past couple of years, is that they are a precision offense but they don't seem to throw downfield all that much. In the Super Bowl, the throw to Welker was behind him. The throw to Branch over the middle looked a little behind him as well. The deep ball to Gronkowski that was intercepted was underthrown.
As for the intentional grounding, the only commments I've seen from Brady basically indicate it was a brain fart _ one that cost the Pats two points in a four-point game.

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Derek: Jim,

Any insight as to who might be the front runner for the GM spot? Do you know anything about how the Steve Keim interview went? Thanks.

JIM THOMAS: I heard the Keim interview went well, but I've heard nothing to indicate that the others didn't go well, either.

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steve: sorry jim, i can't let this go. just heard john clayton, espn, say "...because of the poor way they were catching the ball." go back and look at the tape, the pass to branch was behind him, went through the defenders hands, and was deflected. welker probably should've made that catch, but he was so wide open i don't understand why brady couldn't have thrown a better ball. good grief. i guess brady does no wrong. not one single media outlet has pointed out the poor throws, only the dropped passes.

JIM THOMAS: Well our own Bernie Miklasz, in his Super Bowl game column, wrote that Brady no longer can win "the biggest games" and pointed out how ineffective he was down the stretch against the Giants.

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FinRam: Thanks for the chats. A weekly read

Couple questions.

1) When does FA actually start.
2) I know it's early, but who are some of the names out there that could help the Rams that you could see the Rams targeting.(I know there will be more dropped coming up & with a new GM ???)
3) I've been a Rams fan since like 1971. I remember going into the 1999 season we had some good cornerstone players: Wistrom, Carter, Fletcher (should have never let him go),Pace, Lyght, Bruce, and didn't know what we had yet in Warner, any way some good peices. Then we had as good of an offseason any team ever had, Traded for Faulk, picked up FA Green, (even though he got hurt), I think Timmerman was picked up this year (??), and drafted Torry Holt. My question is, are we that close?? If not how close do you think we are?
THe NFL has proved many time now that worst to first can happen.

Thanks for your time.

JIM THOMAS: 1.) March 13 this year.
2.) You've got to keep in mind that many of the names on free-agent lists will be re-signed or franchised before they ever hit the market. But here a just a few names: At LB, Atlanta's Curtis Lofton and Cleveland's D'Qwell Jackson; at WR Kansas City's Dwayne Bowe, New Orleans' Marques Colston, NY Giants Mario Manningham, San Diego's Vincent Jackson; at returns (and WR), San Francisco's Ted Ginn; at CB, San Francisco's Carlos Rogers, New Orleans' Tracy Porter, Tennessee's Cortland Finnegan.
3.) Good health would help. But the Rams need playmakers at wide receiver; help in the backfield; at least one more starter at OLB; better defensive tackle play; better play across the offensive line. In short there's a lot of work to do.

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LeonardLittle91: If you had to guess, would you say that these dome negotiations will go into arbitration? I was impressed with CVC's initial proposal and I would be more than happy if Kroenke agreed to it, but I certainly do not trust him (or Demoff). Also, if we can't trade the 2nd overall pick whats your take; Blackmon, Kalil, Reiff, or Morris Claiborne?

JIM THOMAS: Right now, I think it'd bet a week's salary they go into arbitration. There's no way the Rams agree to the initial proposal. For one it's much, much less than most rough estimates of what it would take to reach first-tier requirements, and two, it requires the Rams to pay more than half of the renovations. It is the Rams position that the lease clearly states the CVC has to pay for those renovations.
I still say Blackmon or Kalil with No. 2.

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lew jr: Thank you for the chats as always Mr. Thomas,

My question is about the CVC releasing details about the lease. All we heard was about how things would be handled behind closed doors. When the details were released is it known if the Rams agreed to have them out. It seems like a bit of bad faith if not. (as well was the first talks of London games)

Also we know that the there are bench marks when decisions have to be made between the CVC and the Rams. Will the two sides continue to meet and negotiate even threw arbitration if things get that far.

JIM THOMAS: UPDATE: Now, I'm told that both parties agreed in advance to the release of the CVC proposal last week.
I for one, am glad the CVC released details. This dome was built with a lot of tax dollars, and PSL money helped make the move happen. This isn't a private business deal. Why shouldn't the fans and the taxpayers know as much as possible about what is going on.
As for your second question, I would think the parties would talk throughout the process.

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Bopat from SoCal: Jim,
You mentioned a few weeks back the Rams will have to drop one of their uniform colors. Has the NFL become the "No Fashion League"? If that's the case, I prefer the blue tops on the white pants, the white tops on blue and the all-white unis. Dump the gold pants. I agree with Mike Martz. The all-blue unis have got to go. I still think the Colts and the Packers have the best looking uniforms in the NFL. They haven't changed in 50 years. Your thoughts and thanks for this chats.

JIM THOMAS: Just one of their three pants colors to my knowledge.

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JJBrock: Jim,

Karma can come up and bite you in the butt. I'm convinced New England will never win another Super Bowl with Belli-cheat at the helm. Payback.

On to the question - is the delay in hiring a GM affecting draft day prep (draft is only about 78 days away)? Of course, I can't see them screwing up this draft any worse than the ones in the recent past.

Centreville, VA

JIM THOMAS: There is no delay in hiring a GM. The process should be wrapped up in about a week.

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kymizzou1: Hey Jim,

Thanks for doing these chats! I am curious to learn about the London games. We keep reading an agreement was reached on the London games. The NFL is beginning to sell tickets to the game next season in London. However, we have received no word on what the agreement was. This is confusing! Why announce the game is on with Rams as the home team in London and state an agreement is in place with the CVC, but then don't tell the fans what the agreement is? I think the fans deserve to know what is going on.


JIM THOMAS: I think they're still putting it all in writing. Perhaps we can find out after that.

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Ramaroo: Jim most sports writers and draft day prognosticators are assuming the Colts will choose Andrew Luck as the first pick. What if they sign Peyton Manning and draft Justin Blackmon, for him to throw to, instead? How do you think that scenario would play out for the Rams? How do you think it would alter their strategy?

JIM THOMAS: 1.) I don't think that's what will happen _ that is, Peyton Manning returning to the Colts.
2.) If that does happen, why wouldn't the Colts trade out of the No. 1 spot (to a QB-needy team) and pick up extra picks.

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steve: sorry jim, it's me again. just heard skip bayless put the blame on brady's throw. "it's a throw that has to be made." thank goodness someone has the "....s" to call brady out. "he's getting a pass he shouldn't get...this time."

JIM THOMAS: As accomplished as he is, Brady shouldn't get a pass.

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Dan: Hi Jim
What is your take on the reported attempt of Kroenke attempting to buy the Dodgers? Would that not contravene NFL cross-ownership rules - unless of of course the football team was in the same market. Hmmmmm

Also is Khan's purchase of the Jags and possible move to St Louis and Rams back to LA have any merit?

JIM THOMAS: Obviously, Stan Kroenke likes collecting sports franchises, and he can make a boatload of regional TV money. It contravenes cross-ownership rules only if an NFL team is in the LA market (and it's not the Rams). Then again, the NFL has been known to bend it's cross-ownership rules before.
Khan intends to keep the Jaguars in Jacksonville. And it's a very tough lease to break. I believe the Jags have to show they have lost money 3 years in a row _ which is tough to do in the NFL.

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bfulton: Thanks for your report that the Rams conducted their first GM second interview. Has the team scheduled any other second interviews? Have any candidates been ruled out of a second interview?

JIM THOMAS: To my knowledge, no other second interviews has been scheduled yet, at this time.

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Rams-since-68: Hi Jim Thanks for chats and your time, 2 questions, My questions are 1. if you were the Browns sitting with 2 number ones would you give them up for the 2nd overall pick. 2. if the rams get no real offer for the 2nd pick do you draft RG111 and deal him to another team who may come calling thru the coarse of the 1st round.

JIM THOMAS: 1.) Sure I'd give them up if I liked RGIII that much.
2.) Taking RGIII and then waiting for a bidder is kind of a risky proposition. I think you lose some leverage doing that, and while you're working out a trade, players such as Blackmon or Kalil could go off the board.

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MIKE: Why is it that the only people that are talking about theRams moving is, well, the good old St Louis press! I'm a season ticket holder and with the countless number of articles and comments that have been repeated 100 times, well, you even have my die hard fan image thinking well, what the hec! If they go well there they go. Another opportunity to keep St Louis in the NFL mix! As well as another loss for St Louis. We need to do whatever it takes to keep that team here. So why not some positive reporting on what this team does for St Louis and strive to keep them here?

JIM THOMAS: So should we just bury our heads in the sand until it's all over, one way or another?

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arnezzi: I can't get past wondering whether just axing Devaney and Spags was enough. Specifically, I look at Victor Cruz, and wonder, why didn't our scouts rate him high enough for a 7th-round pick?

I reject the argument that just because nobody else did, we didn't get it wrong. We rated all those players (no point in re-hashing the names) worth high draft picks that never made it in the league.

I am wondering whether those faceless names that have survived both the Linehan and the Spags eras might best be shown the door.

JIM THOMAS: Maybe they did have him rated high enough for a 7th-round pick.

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RAMBLE: Our future G.M. must have, IMO, "Moneyball" acumen. Being aware of/accomplished in modern, technical, computer-based scouting techniques. A Billy Beane, Theo Epstein of football, who is probably young and well-educated.

Communication skills, a personality to get along with others, and "scouting expertise" are important. But "scouting expertise" is hard to prove. And the other 2 are extras.

What is your view of what we should be looking for?

JIM THOMAS: As you say, communication skills, ability to work well with others, and scouting expertise are a good start. Work ethic. Is the GM looking at a lot of tape, and going out on the road himself? College scouting experience. Pro personnel experience is important, but the draft should remain the lifeblood of the franchise.

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pure_adreanline: We all know that the Rams and Bradford need more playmakers. With the 2nd overall pick in the draft, gives the Rams many scenarios. First if the Rams can sign Vincent Jackson to a 4 or 5 yyear deal, that would be a great start. But I still think they need to trade the 2nd over-all pick for additional picks, hopefully the 4th and 22nd from Cleveland and still being able to land Blackmon. If the Rams were able to do this, who would you like to see them grab at the 22nd pick? I would like to see them grab the RB out of Oregon, Lamichael James or Polk in the 3rd round at least.

JIM THOMAS: As we sit here now, if Polk's available at the top of the third, that would have to be tempting.

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Brian81277: Jim, I am a LA Rams fan and I know it has been almost 20 years now since the team was in LA, but every LA fan always holds on to hopes that the team will come back. Knowing the STL has lost the Cardinals in the past I would think the city would have learned their lesson. The city of LA on the other hand lost the Raiders and the Rams the same season and you would hope they learned their lesson and will attend home games even if the team is bad if they ever get a team back. So my questions is what is your sense of how fans are reacting to the Rams possibly moving? Are they just like oh well, the team is crap or are they willing to fight for it and actually attend games? I think Stan is a fabulous owner, I mean the Rams bought enough tickets to keep games televised locally if I am correct?

JIM THOMAS: I challenge any _ ANY _ franchise in the NFL to support a team that has gone 15-65 over the last five seasons like St. Louis has supported the Rams. That's an average of a 3-13 record over five season. How many fans do you think would be watching Rams games in LA if that were the case?

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Joey D: Good Afternoon Mr. Thomas:

Why is it that these stories of Spags only come out after he is fired? We have read how he was in over his head and not a good field manager and etc. But while he was coach all we heard was the players did not give up on him. I know it is not good form to dump on a head coach during the season, but it just seems like the fans are left in the dark. Granted some issues are made obvious by the record of 2-14, but are the PD writers being polite or are they also unaware of the issues during the season?

JIM THOMAS: Not sure what you're referring to. I wrote several stories questioning game management, game plans. Particularly over the course of this past season. Such as "why kick to Peterson," "why spread the field against Seattle and use so many empty backfields," either in print or in this chat. Our columnists addressed issues like this. So I don't think this should be any kind of revelation now.

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Telephun: Hey I appreciate the time.

I the situation where rams trade down in the first round is T. Richardson really a possibility? I've seen some mocks going that way but I would really consider it a luxury in the first round with our holes at OT, WR and CB.

Greetings from Denmark

JIM THOMAS: Well, you do have a head coach in Jeff Fisher who likes to run the football. So Trent Richardson may not be such a luxury, even if Steven Jackson has a couple, three good years left.

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operez: Hey Jim: I expect the Rams to be much improved next year maybe 8-8 is a good target. Do you feel the Rams will go O line with thier first pick?

JIM THOMAS: Way too early to make predictions on the record. Fisher is putting together a good staff, but Dick Vermeil has a good staff in '97 and '98, but it didn't mean much without better players.

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pure_adreanline: With the 7 home games the Rams have this year, how many of them will be sell outs? In your opinion. IMO..I say 4( +/- 1 )Not counting the London game, of coarse.
4.)>>>>>>>>>>London vs Patsys
5.)Green Bay

JIM THOMAS: Obviously, a lot depends on how well the team is playing. Green Bay should sell out rather quickly; the Jets should be an atractive draw, as should the 49ers now that they have ascended to one of the NFC's top teams. The others, absent some winning, will be tough.

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StLouisGypsysFan: Do you get a sense that Kroenke cares about Rams fans here in StL? How can the man expect to sell tickets to games here as long as this stadium issue is resolved? LA didn't support this team before, and I can guarantee you that you'd have a better chance of 5,000 elephants showing up in LA than fans showing up if they'd go 15-65. I'm frustrated that a multi-billionare is holding my team hostage just so that he can line his pockets with more of my $$$. And in this economy! I've been a Rams fan for 35+ years, used to live in northern CA and I can tell you it wasn't easy around there when the dreaded Niners were rattling off 17 straight against the Rams. That said, I'm sick of this. I don't think I could ever root for another team, but I've had about enough. Having more free time on Sundays wouldn't be a bad thing. This needs to get done.

JIM THOMAS: If I were advising Stan Kroenke, I would definitely have him handle some things differently. But he must care about the fans, and care about winning. Why else would he pay premium dollars for Jeff Fisher?

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Stlgates: Hi Jim and thanks for the chats, we'll need them now that the season is really over. I'm curious as to why there isn't much in the media regarding Spygate since the Patriots lost Sunday and have not won a Superbowl since 2007? Seems like this story would have grown legs and taken off since the media has noted how the Patriots seem to have lost that luster, could it be from not having that "advantage" anymore? I was so glad Brady was called for that intential grounding right off the bat thinking back to SB36 when it was not called among other non-calls. Feel free to add cheating in front of "advantage". Burn the tapes! Good one Goodell. Thanks for the time...

JIM THOMAS: Interesting post. I agree with you on the Spygate stuff. Nationally, it's as if it's forgotten.

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JustPlay: Jim,

Thanks for taking the questions! Who makes the decision regarding the domes status of top tier? If the proposal the commision made does in fact bring the dome into the top 25% of all NFL venues, how can the Rams decline it?

JIM THOMAS: That's where the arbitrator comes in.

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ramguy: Jim how are you today? Do you think the rams are going to upgrade the o line or just rejust it with what we have and a better o line coach?

JIM THOMAS: I think there will be some new o-linemen in 2012.

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Corey: Is it a forgone conclusion that the Rams will reject the inital proposal from the CVC? If so, what do you believe they will push for to meet the 'first tier' requirement?

JIM THOMAS: Yes. I will be surprised if it's no in the $300 million range, or more.

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Joel C: Jim,

Is Les Snead from Atlanta still in the running for GM? You did not mention him earlier.


JIM THOMAS: Yes, he's still in the mix to my knowledge.
