Iphone 6 and Iphone 6 plus

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Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013



That Iphone 6 plus is a huge phone! They did a good job on the redesign though. I might actually get one when my contract is up in November.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Apple needed to do something more than just make their flagship device a little bigger. They have been following Androids lead, specifically Samsung's Galaxy phones, for awhile now. Had Jobs not insisted on the screen size staying the same they could have had these sizes years ago.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I just came across this and thught of this thread and had to post it LOL.


Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I'm sure it's a good product. But overrated still.

Apple fan boys (like legit, hardcore fan boys) hated on Galaxy phones for their huge screens. Now somewhere, there's gonna be a long ass line to get one of them, because it's Apple.

I tried using my friends iphone once, I had a tough time trying to see everything. I like having a nice, large screen to actually do shit smartphones can do. So I never understood why people hated on larger screens.

I also never understood why there are people so invested on one side or another. It's a smartphone. They all essentially do the same thing.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I'm sure it's a good product. But overrated still.

Apple fan boys (like legit, hardcore fan boys) hated on Galaxy phones for their huge screens. Now somewhere, there's gonna be a long ass line to get one of them, because it's Apple.

I tried using my friends iphone once, I had a tough time trying to see everything. I like having a nice, large screen to actually do crap smartphones can do. So I never understood why people hated on larger screens.

I also never understood why there are people so invested on one side or another. It's a smartphone. They all essentially do the same thing.

I agree and I had an iphone for a couple of weeks and took it back. Verizon lets you try before you buy for a 40 dollar fee. I spent way to much time correcting typos on text messages because of the size of the screen.

I prefer the Android platform simply because Galaxy is leading the pack in innovations and I can customize my phone to be what I want it to be. When Apple gets smarter they will let their users do that.

I use a keyboard called SwiftKey, it's the best out there. Why can't iphone users use it too? It's just silly of them IMO.


May 28, 2011
I made the switch to Galaxy a few years back, they're much better. The only issue I have is that they feel flimsy. The phone is great though.

My girlfriend just got the LG G3, she loves it.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
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I made the switch to Galaxy a few years back, they're much better. The only issue I have is that they feel flimsy. The phone is great though.

My girlfriend just got the LG G3, she loves it.

I've had the Razr HD Maxx for this cycle. It's been a rock solid piece of equipment. Bought it for the battery life, but that was when smart phones were lucky to get 1 hour of use before they were dead.

I'll be in the market in November, have yet to really decide on a phone yet. Not a huge fan of the Galaxy.


May 18, 2014
I'm sure it's a good product. But overrated still.

Apple fan boys (like legit, hardcore fan boys) hated on Galaxy phones for their huge screens. Now somewhere, there's gonna be a long ass line to get one of them, because it's Apple.

I tried using my friends iphone once, I had a tough time trying to see everything. I like having a nice, large screen to actually do crap smartphones can do. So I never understood why people hated on larger screens.

I also never understood why there are people so invested on one side or another. It's a smartphone. They all essentially do the same thing.

I had an iPhone from the 3 all the way up to the 4s. I used to ride the way of early upgrades every time a new one came out. I could sell my old phone for the price of the upgrade. Finally AT&T stopped allowing the early upgrade. It's kind of bad. I used to upgrade the iPhone because the new one was always so much better than the last. Then the last few came out and I couldn't justify spending $200 on the same phone with a new model #. I've had a Galaxy s4 about a year.

Not sure if I want an iPhone 6 or not. All smart phone brands have their quirks. The iPhones are annoying because they are playing catchup these days and have all the proprietary b.s. (cables, iTunes) and you can't replace the battery. The Samsungs are cool, but my battery life has been shit until I bought a new one, and the keyboard lags really bad. But yeah, they're all just smart phones.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I had the Razr Maxx too, solid phone and yeah the battery was eternal.......i charged it 3 times a week and that was all it needed.

cracengl go get Swiftkey.....you'll thank me. It's kick ass.


I have the Galaxy S5 and it's by far the best and most powerful phone I've ever had. They are a little flimsy feeling because the back is plastic but this one is heftier than the 3 or 4. The battery life is fine with me.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
remember when cell phones were getting smaller and smaller.....


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
I wouldn't call myself a fanboy, but I like Apple products and am more than willing to pay extra for the iPhone. In particular I like that they control almost the entirety of the design of the whole platform, from chip design all the way down to the transistor level/physical layout, all the way up to the operating system as well as all of peripheral circuitry. A smartphone is essentially a computer system that fits in your pocket. It's easier to design well functioning computer systems when you control the whole platform.

I've never had a Mac, but those that do swear by them, and they never seem to have the same problems that Windows PC's do - in large part because Apple controls most of the platform (although in the present case, they don't control the processor, which is made by Intel). So when they write software for their systems, they can tailor it to them specifically. The Windows guys can't do that because they are writing for a near infinite variety of computer systems. Similarly, Android developers are doing the same.

I'm not going to try to talk anyone out of their Android, if they are happy with it then they have the right product for their own personal use. But I will say I'm quite happy with my iPhone, and my next phone will be one of the new models in the OP.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Anybody have a windows phone? They look pretty badass, but I don't know if I wanna make the switch from Android.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I remember when the iPod first came out. Folks would cite how the MP3 players from other venders had better stats or more of this or that... And they did.

What they didn't have was a better organic user experience across the board. Which is why iTunes has 500 MILLION users with credit cards... 6.5X more than Amazon's 80 Million, for example.

Do some Droid phones have NFC? Yes. Is it a ubiquitous and easy user experience like it will be once the iPhone 6 rollout? Not a chance.

And that's the difference. What Apple learned is that it can be very expensive to lead the market to adopt (or stop using) certain technologies.

Thus, with iPod, iPhone and now Apple Watch, they let others break the ice, let the other companies essentially use their first rollouts as a free market beta test and then rollout their product. Apple really learned this product lesson with the Newton (anyone who used this knew how ahead of it's time it was). Just as Apple had EOL'd the Newton, other products were coming on line that were still trying to catch up to Newton's functionality.

Of course, with the iPhone it's not a one-size-fits-all and both Droid and Windows phones have their selling points.

However, as someone who's had to consult and make multimillion dollar pitches regarding IT and Telecom solutions, I can say that the value of integrated solutions like those that Apple offer can have significant value, both in terms of micro ROI and TCO (meaning, just personal total cost and return on investment) as well as gross organizational ROI and TCO.

Now, about the iPhone 6... is it great? Oh yeah.

Why? NFC? Damn straight. But why? Well, like iTunes, before rolling this out, they already got tons of merchants on board. Enough to create critical mass in the market place. Corporations with Apple Pay capabilities will see significant percentage increases in their 4th quarter earnings over their competitors who don't. No Droid phone can offer that. No windows phone can offer that. Not that kind of ubiquity and not so easily that "Grandma" can figure it out. Adding a CC is as easy as point and shoot. Paying, if you're using the same CC as is on your iTunes account is App>click>Home+TouchID = Done.

As well, and this is me "seeing around the corner" a bit, there are apps we haven't even seen yet with respect that will deploy their HealthKit api in ways that will significantly change how the phone is seen as a device. In some configurations with the Apple Watch, I think there will be apps that are beyond amazing.

So, while none of this diminishes the inroads Samsung has made, it also is meant to say that previous updates were incremental. This one is not. This combo of the iPhone 6, particularly the 6 plus, and the Apple Watch will be particularly potent and the synergy for app makers will be substantial both in the near term and over the next 36 months.

I still have the iPhone 4 and hadn't seen any reason to upgrade as I saw the recent upgrades as incremental and not really worth invoking that next 24 month contract. THIS phone, I'm going all in... I'll figure out a way to get the iPhone 6 Plus 128GB to future proof myself as much as possible...probably after the new year.

It's not just the phone, it's the infrastructure around it and while the iPhone may not be the Bugatti Veyron of phones, it's latest offering is a supercar. It's got the added benefit of being the easiest to drive, easiest to fix and in general, the safest and most secure (I said in general) with the largest and most robust ecosystem of products and support.

jmho, ymmv...


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
Good moves by Apple. Not willing to give up my Nexus 5, but the iPhone 6 looks verrah nice.