Improving US Education

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Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
Note: Mods I realize some of these topics make your job harder so if you feel a need to lock them up I get it.

I figure we have to have some educators here and I'm curious what your takes are on what the best way forward is for our future generations. Assuming here that we can all agree that the US education system needs an overhaul. I think all involved, from the left and the right, all want the same thing which is better-educated people entering the work force. Wouldn't it be nice to have the toughest and most diverse education system that squeezes the most from students, be they gifted or in the lower end of the cerebral scale. But how do we get there.

There are examples of how not to do it on both sides. Through most of my childhood I can recall religion pushing for prayer and concerns over things in science like natural selection. In 7th grade I was enrolled in a different school due to their math and english courses and my math teacher would rant about the stupidity of the forces of religion interfering with truth. I was already at that point an atheist to my family's dismay, and after the two years of prep for high school even further removed from the religious right.

But now it's the same thing but from the different side, i.e. the left, and the biggest problem is this inability to accept that some people are smarter than others. For me this is a big issue for us and for the states that embrace this it is going to be damn near impossible to get the most from a class of diverse students. Here's a vid that summarizes how "best intentions" will actually translate into a different form of racism, and I think this denial of truth, which is that some people are in fact smarter than others at different things like say mathematics, is going to make it very difficult for California and New York to maximize their resource i.e. students.

Lastly note that there is a need to recognize the hardships of some students. But not to the point where the truth of things is warped into something it is not.



Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Yeah - I'm sorry Merlin but this is a WAY too politically loaded subject and really not fitting of a sports board.
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