I.M.H.O., Sunday's Game Is BIG!

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Jul 25, 2010
Blown out by the Patriots...
A tie with the stinkin' 9ers...
A horrible mistake riddled( but winnable) game against a very bad Jets team...
at some point, it's gut check time for this team to take a good long look in the mirror. And, to me...it's Sunday.
This team is better than their 3-6-1 record...in theory. In reality...the RAMS are a 3-6-1 team. Blowing winnable games just make the casual Football follower, that just look at the record of the RAMS...think that they are a bad team, and nothing more. If those same casual Fans actually watched the RAMS, they would come off thinking that they've killed themselves instead of getting beat in some of those games. I know...barely semantics, but...reality in my view.
I consider myself an optimist. Okay...maybe a bit more than that. But, I have always blasted bad Football. Blaming all the mistakes and bad play on youth and inexperience is a horrible argument. These Kids have played Football for most of their lives, and basic knowledge ( what a penalty is, catching a ball, setting up properly, making a tackle, holding on to the ball, etc...) shouldn't be tested every single week.
Mistakes will happen to even the best players, but...game and key situation costing mistakes happening every single week??? NO!
GO RAMS!!!!!!


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I dunno Diggs. I think youth and inexperience will bite a team in the ass a lot. I understand they've played their whole lives, but this is the bigs. Take, for instance, Brian Quick. Dude played his whole life, but in college he had no WR coach, and ran all of 4 or 5 routes. Now he gets handed a phone book of plays, has to memorize them, understand what the QB will be thinking in different situations (sight adjustments), and he's going against big league corners. Not scrub div 1 corners in the Southern Conference. Because of that, he's far from ready to be on the field as much as an Andre Johnson, and he's going to make a lot of mistakes.

That's just one extreme of course, but it's sort of a common theme on this team this year.

Other players just don't have the experience to be consistent too though. Like Jenkins. In college he was able to cover some good (college) receivers, but now he's facing guys who have developed an arsenal of moves and are able to run a variety of routes. The result is him getting toasted way more than Bradley Fletcher does.

And then you have the impact of a system change. 90% of the time, a system change will result in players thinking about what they have to do before they do it and that results in slow reaction times, mistakes, penalties, and missed assignments. We've changed both systems. You might get a couple of players who will show up big regardless of that, but it won't be a team-wide phenomenon, and it won't be a consistent thing.

Now, all that said, I get your point. If a receiver is trucking open, you have to hit him. If a ball hits you in the hands, you have to catch it. If you're able to put a lick on a ball-carrier, you should bring him down. And if you've line up correctly before, then line up correctly again. Fundamentals. It's up to the coaches to drill those things day in and day out, and then it's up to the players to put it into practice. Especially when it matters. It just seems to me that a younger, more inexperienced team, is going to have mental lapses and execution problems more than an established veteran team would. And we're far from that right now.

This game is as big as every other game this year, IMO. Mainly because there's only 16 of them. :ww:

nittany ram

Nov 4, 2012
X said:
I dunno Diggs. I think youth and inexperience will bite a team in the ass a lot. I understand they've played their whole lives, but this is the bigs. Take, for instance, Brian Quick. Dude played his whole life, but in college he had no WR coach, and ran all of 4 or 5 routes. Now he gets handed a phone book of plays, has to memorize them, understand what the QB will be thinking in different situations (sight adjustments), and he's going against big league corners. Not scrub div 1 corners in the Southern Conference. Because of that, he's far from ready to be on the field as much as an Andre Johnson, and he's going to make a lot of mistakes.

That's just one extreme of course, but it's sort of a common theme on this team this year.

Other players just don't have the experience to be consistent too though. Like Jenkins. In college he was able to cover some good (college) receivers, but now he's facing guys who have developed an arsenal of moves and are able to run a variety of routes. The result is him getting toasted way more than Bradley Fletcher does.

And then you have the impact of a system change. 90% of the time, a system change will result in players thinking about what they have to do before they do it and that results in slow reaction times, mistakes, penalties, and missed assignments. We've changed both systems. You might get a couple of players who will show up big regardless of that, but it won't be a team-wide phenomenon, and it won't be a consistent thing.

Now, all that said, I get your point. If a receiver is trucking open, you have to hit him. If a ball hits you in the hands, you have to catch it. If you're able to put a lick on a ball-carrier, you should bring him down. And if you've line up correctly before, then line up correctly again. Fundamentals. It's up to the coaches to drill those things day in and day out, and then it's up to the players to put it into practice. Especially when it matters. It just seems to me that a younger, more inexperienced team, is going to have mental lapses and execution problems more than an established veteran team would. And we're far from that right now.

This game is as big as every other game this year, IMO. Mainly because there's only 16 of them. :ww:



Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
Glad to have stumbled onto a real site here, been a long time coming. Still working on the av thing :huh:

Whats up diggs? As for this game all I know is I'm the only one out of 13 to have selected the Rams in our small company pool, this game is winnable (then again I've selected the Rams each week)

Looking forward to some good football talk here in the future...tho never really been a essay writer.


Jul 25, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
X said:
I dunno Diggs. I think youth and inexperience will bite a team in the ass a lot. I understand they've played their whole lives, but this is the bigs. Take, for instance, Brian Quick. Dude played his whole life, but in college he had no WR coach, and ran all of 4 or 5 routes. Now he gets handed a phone book of plays, has to memorize them, understand what the QB will be thinking in different situations (sight adjustments), and he's going against big league corners. Not scrub div 1 corners in the Southern Conference. Because of that, he's far from ready to be on the field as much as an Andre Johnson, and he's going to make a lot of mistakes.

That's just one extreme of course, but it's sort of a common theme on this team this year.

Other players just don't have the experience to be consistent too though. Like Jenkins. In college he was able to cover some good (college) receivers, but now he's facing guys who have developed an arsenal of moves and are able to run a variety of routes. The result is him getting toasted way more than Bradley Fletcher does.

And then you have the impact of a system change. 90% of the time, a system change will result in players thinking about what they have to do before they do it and that results in slow reaction times, mistakes, penalties, and missed assignments. We've changed both systems. You might get a couple of players who will show up big regardless of that, but it won't be a team-wide phenomenon, and it won't be a consistent thing.

Now, all that said, I get your point. If a receiver is trucking open, you have to hit him. If a ball hits you in the hands, you have to catch it. If you're able to put a lick on a ball-carrier, you should bring him down. And if you've line up correctly before, then line up correctly again. Fundamentals. It's up to the coaches to drill those things day in and day out, and then it's up to the players to put it into practice. Especially when it matters. It just seems to me that a younger, more inexperienced team, is going to have mental lapses and execution problems more than an established veteran team would. And we're far from that right now.

This game is as big as every other game this year, IMO. Mainly because there's only 16 of them. :ww:

Not really talking about players abilities and adjusting to the NFL. Those mistakes will happen.
I'm talking about brain "pharts"! Happening on a weekly basis.
No excuses at all for the continued foolish and making the same mistakes over and over again.
That goes past youth and inexperience. Something I did not expect from a Fisher coached team.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This game IS big...

By winning we will remain Un-Defeated in our division.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
OC--LeftCoast said:
Glad to have stumbled onto a real site here, been a long time coming. Still working on the av thing :huh:

Whats up diggs? As for this game all I know is I'm the only one out of 13 to have selected the Rams in our small company pool, this game is winnable (then again I've selected the Rams each week)

Looking forward to some good football talk here in the future...tho never really been a essay writer.
Sup OC! I recognize you from that dump that I deleted from my favorites folder and will never visit again, even if there's a $50,000.00 giveaway and I'm the only person who bought a raffle ticket. If you need help on your av, here's a link. http://ramsondemand.com/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
diggity said:
Not really talking about players abilities and adjusting to the NFL. Those mistakes will happen.
I'm talking about brain "pharts"! Happening on a weekly basis.
No excuses at all for the continued foolish and making the same mistakes over and over again.
That goes past youth and inexperience. Something I did not expect from a Fisher coached team.
I can dig it, diggs. Diggin your participation here too, btw. :lol:

Yeah, the mistakes are infuriating. It doesn't "seem" typical of a Fisher-coached team; but then again, Fisher's teams weren't exactly known as being super disciplined either. I remember looking at some data on that right after he was hired, and the Titans were usually near the top of the list when it came to penalties. Especially unsportsmanlike-penalties. I'll try to find that again.

I think we're just a little divided on how much youth and inexperience will lend to making mistakes. And at some point, I think, certain players tend to be mistake-prone. And those guys won't be on the roster very long if they keep that shit up.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Lack of experience / talent can cause players to try and compensate by breaking the rules....

Off Sides
Pass Interference

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
IMO the 3 best refs did the Thanksgiving games.

Ugh I really hope booger isn't reffing this one.

C'mon Houchulli.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
Thanks X, and may I be the latest in what I would assume a long list to congratulate you on that EPIC flame you left at that site, epic may be an overused word but THAT (LMMFAO) was nothing short, my only regret (besides the obvious) was disappointment in all those who felt the need to re-post (such a simple request ignored) Not even going to waste space here with my disgust over there.

Appreciate the link, usually my AV's contain John Wayne, but looks like diggs has "done" beat me again :lol: I'm, sure I'll find something suitable.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
OC--LeftCoast said:
Thanks X, and may I be the latest in what I would assume a long list to congratulate you on that EPIC flame you left at that site, epic may be an overused word but THAT (LMMFAO) was nothing short, my only regret (besides the obvious) was disappointment in all those who felt the need to re-post (such a simple request ignored) Not even going to waste space here with my disgust over there.

Appreciate the link, usually my AV's contain John Wayne, but looks like diggs has "done" beat me again :lol: I'm, sure I'll find something suitable.
Hey ... if you're gonna go out, go out in flames. Yeah?

If you need me to make you an avatar, let me know. Eez no prollem.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
X said:
OC--LeftCoast said:
Thanks X, and may I be the latest in what I would assume a long list to congratulate you on that EPIC flame you left at that site, epic may be an overused word but THAT (LMMFAO) was nothing short, my only regret (besides the obvious) was disappointment in all those who felt the need to re-post (such a simple request ignored) Not even going to waste space here with my disgust over there.

Appreciate the link, usually my AV's contain John Wayne, but looks like diggs has "done" beat me again :lol: I'm, sure I'll find something suitable.
Hey ... if you're gonna go out, go out in flames. Yeah?

If you need me to make you an avatar, let me know. Eez no prollem.

Yeah, that was nothing short of creative (getting colorful words past censure) woulda preferred you telling them what you really thought tho...

I might have to take you up on that offer, perhaps gameday or around I'll come up with something (was tempted to go w/the default head banging the desk)


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
OC--LeftCoast said:
X said:
OC--LeftCoast said:
Thanks X, and may I be the latest in what I would assume a long list to congratulate you on that EPIC flame you left at that site, epic may be an overused word but THAT (LMMFAO) was nothing short, my only regret (besides the obvious) was disappointment in all those who felt the need to re-post (such a simple request ignored) Not even going to waste space here with my disgust over there.

Appreciate the link, usually my AV's contain John Wayne, but looks like diggs has "done" beat me again :lol: I'm, sure I'll find something suitable.
Hey ... if you're gonna go out, go out in flames. Yeah?

If you need me to make you an avatar, let me know. Eez no prollem.

Yeah, that was nothing short of creative (getting colorful words past censure) woulda preferred you telling them what you really thought tho...

I might have to take you up on that offer, perhaps gameday or around I'll come up with something (was tempted to go w/the default head banging the desk)
I'm sure this board is big enough for two Honcho's.


Oct 14, 2012
X said:
OC--LeftCoast said:
X said:
OC--LeftCoast said:
Thanks X, and may I be the latest in what I would assume a long list to congratulate you on that EPIC flame you left at that site, epic may be an overused word but THAT (LMMFAO) was nothing short, my only regret (besides the obvious) was disappointment in all those who felt the need to re-post (such a simple request ignored) Not even going to waste space here with my disgust over there.

Appreciate the link, usually my AV's contain John Wayne, but looks like diggs has "done" beat me again :lol: I'm, sure I'll find something suitable.
Hey ... if you're gonna go out, go out in flames. Yeah?

If you need me to make you an avatar, let me know. Eez no prollem.

Yeah, that was nothing short of creative (getting colorful words past censure) woulda preferred you telling them what you really thought tho...

I might have to take you up on that offer, perhaps gameday or around I'll come up with something (was tempted to go w/the default head banging the desk)
I'm sure this board is big enough for two Honcho's.

Hondo > Honcho


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
stan said:
Hondo > Honcho

Yeah, I meant Hondo.
