I dunno. To me, Sansa is like the daughter from Taken. Half the time I want her to be saved and half the time I'm questioning why? I can barely rewatch Taken (I've seen it a few times) because every time I see it, it just annoys me more and more...
Is Sansa stronger? I mean, she's not a brat anymore, but is she worth all the blood spilled for her to survive?
George RR Martin has slaughtered some really awesome "good guys"...but Sansa is still trucking along?
I dunno. When Jon Snow got served, I wasn't sure I was gonna keep watching. Jon Snow gets done and Ramsay Bolton just keeps growing?
The character I'm hanging in there for is the younger Stark daughter, who's blind atm, Arya Stark.
Well, that and it's hard not to want to see the Jerry Springer-esque explosion coming with the Lannisters v the religious peeps... That's gonna be headshaking... I dunno if there's enough popcorn for that episode!!!