Funny story time

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Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
So I picked up my new(er) truck today. Now I have been into the dealership 3-4 times over the last week, and every time I went in, there was one guy who was busting my ass about my Rams cap. Today I went in to sign the papers with the finance guy, and here comes knucklehead. I wasnt wearing my cap today. He says to me" well at least you arent wearing that stupid hat today !

Finance guy Blake says, what hat was he wearing. Knucklehead says " he had this hat on that made it look like he was sitting on a park bench and got hit in the head with a football, and decided to become a Rams fan.

So I looked at knucklehead, and said " Patriots fan?"

of course he said So I told him I would ask him 3 questions about the Patriots, if he got 2/3 correct he could harrass me all he wants, if not then I didnt want to see his face again.

Question 1 " Who did Brady replace at QB?..he got it right

Question 2 Where was Belichek a head coach before New England? duh couldnt answer

Question 3 Who was the player that knocked Bledsoe out of the game, and what team did he play for?

Knucklehead says, who the heck remembers that, like it means anything anyway.

Me- Rodney Harrison of the Chargers knocked Trent Green out of a preseason game against the Rams which allowed Kurt Warner to step in as QB and lead the Rams to 2 SuperBowls, winning 1 of them. Mo Lewis from the Jets knocked out Bledsoe with shot to the chest allowing Brady to come in as QB.

Knucklehead "whatever, Brady has won,what 7 rings now,screw your questions."

Me: Get out of my face please, I have things to do.

The whole place was laughing

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
So I picked up my new(er) truck today. Now I have been into the dealership 3-4 times over the last week, and every time I went in, there was one guy who was busting my ass about my Rams cap. Today I went in to sign the papers with the finance guy, and here comes knucklehead. I wasnt wearing my cap today. He says to me" well at least you arent wearing that stupid hat today !

Finance guy Blake says, what hat was he wearing. Knucklehead says " he had this hat on that made it look like he was sitting on a park bench and got hit in the head with a football, and decided to become a Rams fan.

So I looked at knucklehead, and said " Patriots fan?"

of course he said So I told him I would ask him 3 questions about the Patriots, if he got 2/3 correct he could harrass me all he wants, if not then I didnt want to see his face again.

Question 1 " Who did Brady replace at QB?..he got it right

Question 2 Where was Belichek a head coach before New England? duh couldnt answer

Question 3 Who was the player that knocked Bledsoe out of the game, and what team did he play for?

Knucklehead says, who the heck remembers that, like it means anything anyway.

Me- Rodney Harrison of the Chargers knocked Trent Green out of a preseason game against the Rams which allowed Kurt Warner to step in as QB and lead the Rams to 2 SuperBowls, winning 1 of them. Mo Lewis from the Jets knocked out Bledsoe with shot to the chest allowing Brady to come in as QB.

Knucklehead "whatever, Brady has won,what 7 rings now,screw your questions."

Me: Get out of my face please, I have things to do.

The whole place was laughing
Did dick-cheese have any concept of you being a paying customer, that had options where to purchase his new(er) truck, thus helping determine his continuing employment at the automotive establishment? Apparently not.

I thought your story was going to end with the finance manager steering his colleague to the personnel office.

Good job on the football dress down though Rhody. :cool:


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
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Did dick-cheese have any concept of you being a paying customer, that had options where to purchase his new(er) truck, thus helping determine his continuing employment at the automotive establishment? Apparently not.

I thought your story was going to end with the finance manager steering his colleague to the personnel office.

Good job on the football dress down though Rhody. :cool:
The knucklehead was a nobody..he just steered potential customers to salesmen, service dept, whatever. I didn't think the office staff didn't care for him much


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 4, 2013
The knucklehead was a nobody..he just steered potential customers to salesmen, service dept, whatever. I didn't think the office staff didn't care for him much
Probably the owners son or something like that. Way to give em a mental bitch slap

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I was at Publix a few weeks ago picking up some groceries. I had on my color rush yellow Ram hat.

The cashier was a dude. As he started scanning my shit... he says "A Lamb Fan?".

At first, I grit my teeth and held back from actually giving this guy some eye contact. Paused a minute and said... "Oh, you must be a whiner fan".

And I swear... he then says "how did you know".

I finally gave him direct eye contact after that... and said "I can smell it on you".

I wear that hat every time I go to Publix now. Unfortunately, I haven't run into Mr whiner again though.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
I was at Publix a few weeks ago picking up some groceries. I had on my color rush yellow Ram hat.

The cashier was a dude. As he started scanning my crap... he says "A Lamb Fan?".

At first, I grit my teeth and held back from actually giving this guy some eye contact. Paused a minute and said... "Oh, you must be a whiner fan".

And I swear... he then says "how did you know".

I finally gave him direct eye contact after that... and said "I can smell it on you".

I wear that hat every time I go to Publix now. Unfortunately, I haven't run into Mr whiner again though.
A whiner fan in Fla?

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
A whiner fan in Fla?

Most people who live here are transplants. We got a bunch of em down here.

One of my good friends in Naples is from up there... he's raising his 2 sons as whiners right here in sunny F L A. It's a damn shame. I owe him and his wife dinner and drinks because we didn't cover the 2.5 spread in the game earlier this year.

Not many real Locals here anymore. We are a rare bread for the most part. Whenever the transplants start telling me how much they prefer their old home states... I ask them "Why in the hell don't you just take I-95 North then?".


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Most people who live here are transplants. We got a bunch of em down here.

One of my good friends in Naples is from up there... he's raising his 2 sons as whiners right here in sunny F L A. It's a damn shame. I owe him and his wife dinner and drinks because we didn't cover the 2.5 spread in the game earlier this year.

Not many real Locals here anymore. We are a rare bread for the most part. Whenever the transplants start telling me how much they prefer their old home states... I ask them "Why in the hell don't you just take I-95 North then?".

I've lived here in SWFL for over 7 years and have learned to sort of dislike most of the snowbirds. They treat the area like it's their own playground and don't respect things. Businesses in the area have over-catered to them to the point where many think they should be waited on hand and foot. I've never seen people perfectly capable of carrying groceries out to the car letting a Publix bagger do it for them. And if they do take them out they leave the cart wherever. I actually have a pic of a cart in the parking spot RIGHT NEXT to the cart coral. I've made a couple of rude comments along the lines of "why don't you walk that cart over to the cart coral, it looks like you could use the exercise.

And don't get me started on the fucking lap dogs. Even at restaurants.

When I hear a snowbird complain I have to bite my lip. The other day I overheard two people talking about how slow the recovery from the hurricane was and knowing that the County is actually doing a great job I wanted to punch them both in the neck. People had their lives damaged (including me) and they were upset that there are still trees stacked up in areas all over to be picked up. Poor things they have to see branches on their street..........tough shit.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 25, 2013
It's not a Rams related story but it was funny.....
I worked w/ this guy named Curt. Good guy. Big heart. Rough as a cob. But because he spent a few years as a tweaker, even though he was now off the stuff.....he was a bit fuzzy around the edges. I was working for a convention decorating company. And we had just had a big show we were bringing back all of the stuff from the show to the warehouse. We had a truckload (box truck) full of tables. Now there are different ways to work w/ tables. we found the most direct way the fastest and stacked them on their end leaning against the wall just inside the door. Since the dock was only about 6' deep, it was only about a 30' walk from the truck to stack. We'd just get a few of us and grab 1 or 2 and it went quicker than putting them on pallets, moving around w/ the left etc..... Besides Curt, we had the one guy working w/ us, the owner had brought him on from his church. He was a bit soft and always found a way to miss some of the harder things. . going to the restroom, tying a shoe, messing around w/ other things, etc. (everyone knows a guy like that at your business....) But we referred to him as "Bubba". ("he's your Bubba...No he's your's...."). We also had some temps we hired just for that particular show. So we start to unload these tables. W/ about 6 of us, it was going pretty quick, but halfway through, old Bubba does the shoe tying thing to miss a repetition or 2. But he made the mistake of kneeling down close to the path we were using to put up the tables. I myself would hold the tables above my head to be able to see..... Curt on the other hand would hold them in front of him as he would usually be smoking and might need a quick adjustment to get a hand free. So as he follows the path, he whacks old bubba right in the head w/ a table. The table being 6 foot long and about 30" wide, obscured part of Curt's vision. not understanding what he had just ran into, he spun around the opposite way, still holding the table. Bubba, who was now struggling to get to his feet, now took a 2nd shot to the noggin, from the other direction. (In the greatest 3 stooges style....). He finally staggered to his feet. Curt saw what he had hit. And instead of apologizing (which I'm already so close to losing it I can barely stand.....) he just glared at him and grumbled. "Watch it fucker!" I started howling. I could not compose myself for several minutes. The boss came out to see our progress and saw me laughing. Came over and ask me (I was the lead) what had happened. I gave him the story and he went over to Curt (half laughing but trying to contain himself....) asking what had happened. Curt's explanation got the boss tickled, so he was now laughing (Bubba wasn't his favorite either.....) Old Bubba left a few weeks later....but that incident might have been one of the funniest things I have ever saw in person.