Interesting watch, could be huge for large cities to start having these taxi services. Question I'd have is how do you regulate this efficiently? In other words, at first it'll be kind of novel to see a taxi drone flying over your city once in a while and it'll be regulated to some simple patterns. But once it becomes profitable and taxi services start multiplying like crazy in a city like LA who is going to make sure 500 drones flying all over the place don't run into each other? Obviously the FAA will be involved but adds a completely new layer to sky control and a completely new danger to it from flight safety, pilot regulations, and terrorism concerns.
Brighter minds than mine will figure it out I'm sure but definitely interesting for places like LA who are bogged down with land traffic. Another bright spot for this new technology will be emergency services as well. Medvacs, rescue services, even law enforcement will have a huge benefit from this kind of technology eventually.