Finally happened: sick of Facebook

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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I've been on FB since 2006. This was when there wasn't even a news feed and status updates were limited to preset phrases like "John is at a party" or "John is doing homework."

Now I look at my feed and I see an endless barrage of people's personal lives. And I've come to realize, unless it's family, I don't care. And honestly, whenever I post something, no one cares either (again, unless it's family).

So I wonder why do people like to post so much of personal lives of which I don't know of? Is it to indeed get satisfaction from "likes"?

I see people uploading family portraits in their best clothes (usually in some field), showing their kids off, scans of their ultrasounds, people sharing political or national news stories to lure others into a comment war, and the one that annoys me the most posting the saddest parts of their lives (in which there are many comments saying "prayers." Oh and don't forget the people fishing people into pointless panic by checking into a hospital with no description.

I used to be the guy trying to make witty status updates, and I did get bummed if someone didn't like it. This was a few years ago. Now I don't even care. I'm just sick of all the barrage what I described.

Thanks, internet, for letting me rant!

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Now I look at my feed and I see an endless barrage of people's personal lives. And I've come to realize, unless it's family, I don't care.

Exactly. I've kept it to less than 30 family, friends, and a few sites I like in order to avoid the clutter. I'm guessing that I make less than a dozen posts a year - mostly birthday greetings and such. It allows me to quickly contact certain people who don't use email. Other than that it's not of much use to me.

A few years ago I found two friends on Facebook from the 70's who I used to get in trouble with. After phone calls and looking through their Facebook posts, I came to the conclusion that there was no point in my staying in contact with them and that there's a good reason why they were no longer in my life and unfriended them. Lesson learned.

Now there's a report that claims one-third of all divorces are caused by Facebook. Hooking up with old flames on the internet has replaced the bar scene I guess.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
So I'm driving along. The whole family AND the dog are in our 2014 Passat when the tranny fails. We call a tow truck and some friends to pick up my boys. On the way to taking the car to the dealership, I start getting calls from friends wondering if we're ok. I'm thinking WTF? Then it dawns on me. FACEBOOK! So in the time we are waiting for a tow truck, my wife has already got a full post about it on FB! Yeesh! I grew tired of the inane posts on FB a couple years ago and even though I still have an account, I am on it about twice a year. My wife on the other hand... if it happens, it's on FB.


Aug 10, 2013
It's really gotten out of control. I mostly use ROD as my Facebook anyway. I'm on here more then there. Facebook ruins relationships and annoys the shit out of people. I've deleted the app on my phone since that was always the way I used it. But I still check every once an awhile.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
My wife on the other hand... if it happens, it's on FB.

My wife is the opposite. She's horrified by the personal information our son and his wife post on there. I once googled her name on one of those private eye sites and she just about had a nervous breakdown when I showed her all the information on her available. Welcome to the world of social media, honey.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
My wife is the opposite. She's horrified by the personal information our son and his wife post on there. I once googled her name on one of those private eye sites and she just about had a nervous breakdown when I showed her all the information on her available. Welcome to the world of social media, honey.
Yeah - I suppose in defense, she doesn't post anything really personal unless you count what the family is doing in our everyday lives.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I've been on FB since 2006. This was when there wasn't even a news feed and status updates were limited to preset phrases like "John is at a party" or "John is doing homework."

Now I look at my feed and I see an endless barrage of people's personal lives. And I've come to realize, unless it's family, I don't care. And honestly, whenever I post something, no one cares either (again, unless it's family).

So I wonder why do people like to post so much of personal lives of which I don't know of? Is it to indeed get satisfaction from "likes"?

I see people uploading family portraits in their best clothes (usually in some field), showing their kids off, scans of their ultrasounds, people sharing political or national news stories to lure others into a comment war, and the one that annoys me the most posting the saddest parts of their lives (in which there are many comments saying "prayers." Oh and don't forget the people fishing people into pointless panic by checking into a hospital with no description.

I used to be the guy trying to make witty status updates, and I did get bummed if someone didn't like it. This was a few years ago. Now I don't even care. I'm just sick of all the barrage what I described.

Thanks, internet, for letting me rant!

Welcome to adulthood!


May 19, 2014
It's really gotten out of control. I mostly use ROD as my Facebook anyway. I'm on here more then there. Facebook ruins relationships and annoys the crap out of people. I've deleted the app on my phone since that was always the way I used it. But I still check every once an awhile.

Yea. I defo check ROD more than any other social site. Because well, it IS my social site.

I don't bother too much with FB anymore. Share a couple things a week, mostly comic/movie/tv related. Sometimes social commentary. Not much of my personal life anymore.

The email I use is a dated one I don't use anymore. I don't put my phone # up. I might take down a shit load of the photos with me in them as well outside of the ones with hilarious comments. Not worth it. (funny story, in college, my friends and I would take 'man trips' to St. Louis for a Cardinals game. Went to hooters every time for shits and giggles and got pics with the gals. Seriously, the ONLY reason people must go there are for the T and A. Tits and Ass. Because that food is absolute shit.)

Most of the time, FB just pisses me off with people sharing their gross ignorance of well.....everything worldly related....and get pissed when you don't agree with their BS. I actually had a "friend" stop following my "feed" because I'm evidently too liberal for his ways. :palm: Fucking sad really.

And it is super creepy these days. I get updates from friends friends because my friend posted on their friends "insert BS here."

It's soooooo damned weird to see shit from people I don't even know.

Like, fuck you Mark Zuckerburg. You were the kid in the back creepin on chicks in school. I know it. They know it. The world knows it.


Aug 10, 2013
Yea. I defo check ROD more than any other social site. Because well, it IS my social site.

I don't bother too much with FB anymore. Share a couple things a week, mostly comic/movie/tv related. Sometimes social commentary. Not much of my personal life anymore.

The email I use is a dated one I don't use anymore. I don't put my phone # up. I might take down a crap load of the photos with me in them as well outside of the ones with hilarious comments. Not worth it. (funny story, in college, my friends and I would take 'man trips' to St. Louis for a Cardinals game. Went to hooters every time for shits and giggles and got pics with the gals. Seriously, the ONLY reason people must go there are for the T and A. Tits and Ass. Because that food is absolute crap.)

Most of the time, FB just pisses me off with people sharing their gross ignorance of well.....everything worldly related....and get pissed when you don't agree with their BS. I actually had a "friend" stop following my "feed" because I'm evidently too liberal for his ways. :palm: freaking sad really.

And it is super creepy these days. I get updates from friends friends because my friend posted on their friends "insert BS here."

It's soooooo damned weird to see crap from people I don't even know.

Like, freak you Mark Zuckerburg. You were the kid in the back creepin on chicks in school. I know it. They know it. The world knows it.
Hahaha no doubt about that man. Theres always that one person who pumps god in your face everyday too. That shit really gets to me. Keep it to yourself.


Mar 17, 2014
Never even got on.
Never liked the idea or cared.

It's great for people that spend extended time away from they're families. Military etc.

It's just not my thing.


May 28, 2011
I keep it pretty locked up, and don't post all that much. The most I ever use it really was to keep in touch with friends family when I leave the country or move away. Otherwise, I don't care. I laugh at those who take it seriously though.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I'll post a picture every now and then, and try to keep my status updates witty and comical


Hall of Fame
Oct 3, 2011
+1, AR. Instagram is even worse. I joined that for like a week before I realized it was nothing but insufferable dbags trying to validate their existence via "Likes'. This "selfie" craze is outta control.

There is a hilarious "article" online about the 7 types of FB posters. It talks about the people who post crap like:
"ughhh, having the WORST day ever!"
"Guess who got into med school?"
"Wow, I LOVE my new hairdo!"

LOL. Never knew there were so many insecure/narcissistic idiots out there.

I've always treated FB like a sort of "digital diary" or time capsule. Sharing pics or witty quotes to either educate or provide some kind of humor or entertainment. And I've never had more than 50 friends. They are all people I've met and are friends or family in REAL life. GTHO with your 500 friends. LOL

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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Welcome to adulthood!

Oh. Joy.

+1, AR. Instagram is even worse. I joined that for like a week before I realized it was nothing but insufferable dbags trying to validate their existence via "Likes'. This "selfie" craze is outta control.

There is a hilarious "article" online about the 7 types of FB posters. It talks about the people who post crap like:
"ughhh, having the WORST day ever!"
"Guess who got into med school?"
"Wow, I LOVE my new hairdo!"

LOL. Never knew there were so many insecure/narcissistic idiots out there.

I've always treated FB like a sort of "digital diary" or time capsule. Sharing pics or witty quotes to either educate or provide some kind of humor or entertainment. And I've never had more than 50 friends. They are all people I've met and are friends or family in REAL life. GTHO with your 500 friends. LOL

HAHA there was a guy today on mine that posted he got into med school, and went off an a tirade "this is for all of you who thought I couldn't." Like how the hell would I know or care?


Live, Love, Laugh, & Learn
Oct 2, 2011
I see people uploading family portraits in their best clothes (usually in some field), showing their kids off, scans of their ultrasounds, people sharing political or national news stories to lure others into a comment war, and the one that annoys me the most posting the saddest parts of their lives (in which there are many comments saying "prayers." Oh and don't forget the people fishing people into pointless panic by checking into a hospital with no description.

Yeah I get posts where people say prayers. Praying on FB? Umm, ok. I also couldn't careless about what people are eating. Taking a picture of their meal and then posting it on FB for all to see...really?!

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
My favorite is "quote of the day" guy who is always posting comments Mark twain made two hundred years ago, or Ambrose fucking Bearce
Professionally I have to have it in case somebody looks up my psuedo name, but since it's an abbreviation of my real name it keeps former classmates and free loading family members away
I only have 12 friends 2 of which are fake accounts for Lee Marvin and Ralph Meeker


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
So I'm driving along. The whole family AND the dog are in our 2014 Passat when the tranny fails. We call a tow truck and some friends to pick up my boys. On the way to taking the car to the dealership, I start getting calls from friends wondering if we're ok. I'm thinking WTF? Then it dawns on me. FACEBOOK! So in the time we are waiting for a tow truck, my wife has already got a full post about it on FB! Yeesh! I grew tired of the inane posts on FB a couple years ago and even though I still have an account, I am on it about twice a year. My wife on the other hand... if it happens, it's on FB.

Including your Avatar?