Favorite Summer Time Memory When Young

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I heard this question today and it took me back to hot summer days when I was 6-7 years old in Southern California. We had no AC in the early 70's and we were always outside, waiting for the ice cream truck's music, getting closer and closer, not that it always mattered because I normally had no money. My Great Uncle from Miami came to visit us one summer when that familiar tune came rolling around the corner. He seemed very tall and thin with white hair and spoke with a heavy New Jersey accent. With several neighborhood boys around me, he offered to treat all of us to an ice cream, which made me the most popular kid on the block. He did this a couple of times before returning home. He also bought our family our first wall unit air conditioning unit before he left. It might sound crazy, but Uncle Lou (and Aunt Jean) changed our family's life that summer.

Now tell a story of your greatest summer time memory as a kid.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Going to summer camp from eleven to fifteen. Fifteen was awesome, and I made so many memories there because I ended up going to Colorado for two weeks. Absolutely beautiful state, and I could see why my mom went to college in Boulder.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 15, 2015
Best times ever!

Well, my pop was never going to able to afford a boat - but, my grandpa was the caretaker of a 36' yawl sailboat (of a retired politician). He took me with him every day for a couple of years, when I was 15-16 yrs old. I thought it was a blast to just take the dinghy out to the moored sailboat every day. As time went on, the local kids at the yacht club asked me to crew for them, as they had sailboat practices several times/week and races on most weekends. I was just a deck slave to the kids that owned the boats, but it was some of he most fun I ever had, tending the jib and the spinnaker.

Sadly it came to and end after a couple of years when some stuffed shirt at the club decided, since I was a non-member there I shouldn't be sailing with them. The short-sightedness of that was, the kids with the boats basically had a short supply of people to crew with them. But, it was their club, their rules. Sort of like Augusta - we make rules, so hit the bricks....

Later, I sailed in the Navy and taught sailing at a Naval Yacht club. If you have never sailed - describing the experience (for me anyway) is next to impossible! Sailing and especially racing is just a kick-ass sport. It can be somewhat physically demanding for brief times and technically challenging at every start and most marks, to exploit the rules to your favor.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Most of my Summers were spent funding my GoFundMe account , :zany1:






but thats not to say , we didn't have time to do other things...........

Summer Baseball , camping , fishing , , swimming , boating , it was just crazy how much stuff we could cram into those three months , those Summer went on forever

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014

Those Schwinn Stingrays bicycles , or , similar bike , I didn't have a Schwinn Stingray that many of the kids had , I had a Ross Barracuda , looks the same

exactly like the one below , purple with a white seat , 3 speed on the cross bar , our parents never knew how far went on those things in a day , I know I went through at least 3 different speedometers before they broke , each with over 700 miles on them



coolest bikes ever !!!


Helmets , knee pads , shoes ????

welcome to the 70's

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWDprSdH2xQ
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Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
Walking to the San Joaquin river to swim and fish. Always barefoot. Swinging on a rope and doing flips into the water. Digging for clams in the shallow water to use as bait to catch catfish. Or taking off our shirts to for a makeshift net to catch minnows. We used them to fish for bass. Our poles were long bamboo rods.

Then we walked around Riverside golf course in Fresno to hunt for golf balls. We'd clean them up and sell them to the pro shop for candy money.

Back then there were thousands of acres of fig orchards all around our homes. We get the wood boxes the pickers use to put figs in and build a makeshift house. Or use them to make an outfield wall and play baseball in this open area of the orchard. I'm thinking the pickers probably weren't too happy about us making them walk further for the boxes.


Jun 11, 2017
Walking to the San Joaquin river to swim and fish. Always barefoot. Swinging on a rope and doing flips into the water. Digging for clams in the shallow water to use as bait to catch catfish. Or taking off our shirts to for a makeshift net to catch minnows. We used them to fish for bass. Our poles were long bamboo rods.

Then we walked around Riverside golf course in Fresno to hunt for golf balls. We'd clean them up and sell them to the pro shop for candy money.

Back then there were thousands of acres of fig orchards all around our homes. We get the wood boxes the pickers use to put figs in and build a makeshift house. Or use them to make an outfield wall and play baseball in this open area of the orchard. I'm thinking the pickers probably weren't too happy about us making them walk further for the boxes.
Good luck seeing a kid over 10 years old on a bike nowadays (at least where I live).


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
Good luck seeing a kid over 10 years old on a bike nowadays (at least where I live).
Getting my first bike was a similar feeling to getting my first car. I felt a sense of freedom that I could go anywhere in a short period of time. And never having to walk long distances again. The river was only a mile away. But we used to ride to a small town 3 miles away because that store sold comic books.

Back then those areas were not in Fresno city limits. The small town I grew up in had maybe 40 houses if that. Its no longer a town because Fresno grew and annexed it into the city limits. And the fig orchards that went for miles and miles are all gone today. Replaced with homes and shopping centers. The golf course is still there.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 15, 2016
I really miss watermelons with seeds. I haven’t found a seedless variety I like at all. I’m now reduced to cantaloupe and honey dew melon’s sitting on my windowsill for up to 2 weeks to ripen!

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Cicadas. It just reminds me of small town OK before it got ghetto.

When I moved to Texas I was surprised there weren't any.