Extremely a lucky guy

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Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
So before i get to the main point, a little back story.

I am adopted, am now 30, and about 6 years ago I met my biological mom, dad and rest of family including my half brother and half sister(i was a summer fling baby, and they broke up after summer, biological dad didnt know i existed till i was 3). My biological family is big, including aunts and uncles and their kids, about 60. It was a very new experience for me when i met them all as i grew up in a small family.

Now i have never been good with kids, never had to deal with kids and especially one that was a girl, and when i met my sister for the first time she was 10. I had no idea how to deal with her or connect with her. That was 6+ Years ago. We were both shy and i didnt know how to connect with her .

I am very bad with keeping in contact with people, even family. Having spent the last 5+ years in the middle east it was even worse. Talked to my mom and dad a couple times a year(adoptive parents). I am just bad with talking to people on the phone.

So anyways, i am sure you are wondering where i am going to with this whole speech.

Well its been about 2 years since i spoke to my biological dad on the phone and decided to give him a call. We are both not good phone people but talked for an hour with no pauses( an amazing accomplishment for me). And he told me to add my sis on Facebook.

I havent talked to her in years and always felt bad about it. I was not a good older brothers.

Well she accepted my request and sent me a message on facebook messenger.

We talked for hours on there. Literally about 8 hours.

I know it wasnt talking on the phone or in person, but it was the happiest day I have had in years. She is truly an amazing person. Last time we talked she was a shy 10 year old, now she is a confident 16 year old. It was an amazing experience that i know will continue.

To be able to connect with her even like that was truly amazing for me. And she gave me so much love, telling me how much she has thought about me and missed me and how this has been the greatest day of her life, it has truly filled me with a joy that I cant explain.

Meeting my biological family has been great, but also difficult on some levels. One example is when i first met my bio grandma, a couple weeks later she was diagnosed with brain cancer and died 2 weeks later, and that was while i was visiting and just met her.

Another was recent, in which both my mom and bio mom drove to alabama( mom in florida , bio mom in minnesota) to see me at the same time. Another issue with that is that my mom and dad had a very bad 4 year long divorce battle that is still has big affects on there lives.

There is other things as well such as more cancer problems and over doses. But yea.

I know i have rambled on, and have gone off course from my main point and expressed things i originally did not plan to. But its good to vent sometimes, even if holding back like i have(shockingly yes, i have held back).

My main point is my sister.

I have never looked forward to seeing someone as much as i do her. The love that has filled my heart in one day from talking just on a messenger service has been more than i could ever imagine.

There are those times in your life where you cant explain how amazing something is, this is one of those times. Amazing doesnt begin to describe her. I am truly lucky and she has made me want to be a better person and especially a better brother. I really cant explain it in words. The love she has given me and how much i matter to her and the impact i have on her has truly affected me. It is a feeling that is beyond description and wouldnt have it any other way. I want to protect her and be there for her always. I only hope I can be the best brother possible for her. I am going to give her the biggest bear hug ever when i see her.

Sorry for the long rant.
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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
That sounds very special. Congratulations on reconnecting like you have. That's a rare blessing that I can tell you will cherish.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I have dealt with similar situations. I have 5 siblings. They were all put up for adoption when I was two and I had no idea about them. I was kept by our bio mom and I have met my very un impressive bio dad once. I met the siblings when I was 20. Out of the 5, only two will have anything to do with me. The rest seem to pretend it's my fault. I was the second youngest of the group. I was told I was kept because my little sister was still in diapers and I was trained so I was the cheaper option with the longest in home time left. Lol not to hijack here @Tron but I get what your talking about. I'm pretty terrible about not giving a fuck about family or anyone really. I keep a very small group near me. But my two sister I speak to, are like best friends. It's almost odd cause we were all adults when we met, I feel like our conversations may not fall along normal ones. My younger sister is kinda a ho and doesn't mind spouting off details. Lol but we are more like really close friends than siblings I would say. I don't know how to be a brother or feel for a sister. It's good that your meeting her while so young. Congrats on that man. I'm happy for you. Keep her in your life, you will be happy for it later


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
that is a great story Tron, and someday when you have kids and introduce them to their Aunt, you can share it with them also.


Jan 23, 2013
Good for you Tron. Life is too short to miss out on making the few close, personal connections the we have a chance to make in our lives. Make the most with what you can and don't be miserly with the love. It seems like you have been given a great opportunity and you really value it. As the song goes...Let it flow, let it flow, let it blossom, let it grow. Sage advice and the key to a happier life.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Thanks for sharing something so personal and precious with us. Hope you and your sister grow closer as the years go by. Family means everything.

When I was 9 my parents moved with me from Germany to San Diego. They left behind my older stepbrother(my mother had him with a Russian soldier when she was 16) because he and my dad didn't get along. My stepbrother and I lost contact for 43 years. We finally met in 2003 when he stopped in San Jose and I flew out to meet him. The moment we saw each other it was if we had never been apart. It was tough to say goodbye once we had reconnected but we now stay in touch by email and an occasional phone call.

Football and a lot of other things in life are fun but there's nothing like family.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
These are all very touching stories. Family should be your strength and your weakness but always acknowledged as a blessing. Plus, just imagine the patience it takes to put up with you guys.


Aug 10, 2013
Awesome story brother. Really makes you appreciate the people in your life. My girlfriend is adopted but her and her bio mom don't talk anymore. I drove her to ohio(from buffalo) to see her last summer and it was a great weekend filled with tears and laughter. But, after finding out her bio mom had lied to her about some pretty big things(giving her location away to a very abusive bio dad) and other things of that nature, she hasn't spoke to her in about 8 months. Unfortunately, her adoptive mother is even worse and they don't get along at all. Some people just don't get the lucky roll in life when it comes to parents I guess.