Okay. We'll keep this simple.
You get four picks. That gets us through rounds 1-4 as anything 5 and after is a crapshoot. Though you could argue the 4th is too.
Factoring in trades will complicate this, so we'll just go by round. Since picks become increasingly harder after the 1st, the pts increase after the 1st.
1st - 5 pts
2nd - 10 pts
3rd - 15 pts
4th - 20 pts (b/c you done lucked the fuck out. Don't think I've ever picked a 4th rounder for the Rams correctly).
Perfect draft (or 4 correct players) = autowinner
If you get the player right, but the round incorrect, let's say you get half the amount of pts from the round they actually went in.
Bonus: +15 additional pts if you choose and get right, a 5th rounder. If you don't get it right, you lose 10pts.
I just pulled that outta my ass. No idea if it'll actually work, pts wise, but hey. It's for fun.
If you're still interested, like this post and I'll make up a new thread.