Climate change(?)

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Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
damn, did this turn into a climate change thread inside my head?

Totally with you on this.

Substitute the word “Covid” for “Climate Change”, and maybe this thread wouldn’t change much.

Ignore the “fear porn”, don’t believe the experts, the threat is way overblown, don’t trust the numbers, I know “scientists” who disagree, yadda yadda yadda.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Totally with you on this.

Substitute the word “Covid” for “Climate Change”, and maybe this thread wouldn’t change much.

Ignore the “fear porn”, don’t believe the experts, the threat is way overblown, don’t trust the numbers, I know “scientists” who disagree, yadda yadda yadda.
Thank you I needed a good laugh this morning.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
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Thank you I needed a good laugh this morning.
Hey, hope I’m wrong. But it sure sounds like a lot of ppl on this thread think the threat from climate change is “way overblown”.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Totally with you on this.

Substitute the word “Covid” for “Climate Change”, and maybe this thread wouldn’t change much.

Ignore the “fear porn”, don’t believe the experts, the threat is way overblown, don’t trust the numbers, I know “scientists” who disagree, yadda yadda yadda.
We only have 10-12 years before it doesn’t matter anyway. Unless we ACT NOW!!! Lol. Never mind that “scientists” have been saying the same thing since 1970. Stupid polar bears. Who needs them anyway. Walking around all white & shit. Idiots.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Hey, hope I’m wrong. But it sure sounds like a lot of ppl on this thread think the threat from climate change is “way overblown”.
I’ve never said anything on the subject so not sure about others but if you want to discuss it by all means make a thread about it. Until then don’t put words in people’s mouths. What’s comical was your “scientists”.

You've continually in this thread set the mark for what’s acceptable to believe and what’s not. You criticize people who mention science and medicine and the people who publish it if it doesn’t match with what you want to push. You use quotation marks to marginalize ideas that don’t align with what you want people to think. It’s a very common thing to marginalize and ridicule people along with throwing in those hateful adjectives to describe people and ideas.

I‘ve said a dozen times in this thread along with others we aren’t scientists and we‘re open to ideas. You with your actions and ridicule don’t help the discussion so stop with the pettiness please.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
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X already handled it above by noting that the flu kills people with pre-conditions as well, yet those deaths are not attributed to flu deaths the same way Covid deaths have been attributed.

But your rebuttal still doesn't address deaths for, e.g., people in hospice with terminal cancer who are going to die within days *anyway* whether the have Covid or not. In another thread, we were talking about Alex Trebek, who recently died of pancreatic cancer. Under the method for which they have accounted for Covid deaths, that would have been attributed to Covid, never mind the fact that he had been battling pancreatic cancer for a while.

And nothing has touched on the literally thousands of Covid deaths (hell, thousands in NY alone) that were attributed to Covid despite not having a positive Covid test but instead based on mere symptoms that *could* have been consistent with covid but could have just as easily originated from a common cold. How can you count any death as a Covid death in the absence of a legitimately positive Covid diagnosis in the first place? (Hint: you can't).

No matter how you slice it, the data for Covid that we've been force fed and which has been used to justify huge societal disruptions is irrevocably tainted beyond the point of usefulness. No person with a *healthy* level of skepticism should take this data at face value or consider it as having any real scientific worthiness. It's not to say that Covid shouldn't be taken with some level of seriousness, but it certainly tainted enough that we have nothing resembling the true picture of the severity of this virus.

So instead we run around like chicken littles acting as if the sky is falling, when nothing of the sort is happening. But to pretend it is makes people feel virtuous and makes them feel better about surrendering the management of their lives and their essential liberties to government officials who are only too happy to take that power away while doing all they can to avoid accountability for their own fuck ups.

As I said above, I can see how people lose their freedoms because this exercise has shown how fear can be ginned up to get people to give them away over a virus which isn't really much of a threat to an overwhelmingly large majority of us.

I almost want to say that it's too bad for King George that he didn't come up with a pandemic like this during the American Revolution. But I stopped because the Revolutionary generation fought that during a smallpox pandemic. Wonder what they would think of us now.
Just checking in... I take it you believe the reports of the threat of climate change are way overblown, too?

Don’t wanna hijack the thread to a different subject, just curious as to where ppl basically stand on the issue.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
We only have 10-12 years before it doesn’t matter anyway. Unless we ACT NOW!!! Lol. Never mind that “scientists” have been saying the same thing since 1970. Stupid polar bears. Who needs them anyway. Walking around all white & shit. Idiots.

One thing I would advise people to do who believe that climate change is going to end civilization is to live in a big city and do an office job, while not learning to grow their own food, not learn learn to use a gun, and not learn to hunt animals for food. I would also advise them to save as much as they can in long term investments in a 401k for retirement, even though that money will be useless once civilization collapses due to climate change. Generally speaking, if you are worried about climate change, you should live your life planning for the long haul and the continued existence of civilization as we know it and not be like those prepper types who are getting ready for the collapse. Because science.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Hey, hope I’m wrong. But it sure sounds like a lot of ppl on this thread think the threat from climate change is “way overblown”.
It is.

But I’m all for keeping our giant, billions of years old rock, with its billions of years of temperature fluctuations, safe from a temperature increase of 3/10 of a degree over the next 50 years for $200 trillion. Seems like a good deal. But still, fuck those polar bears. They’re a menace and I don’t like their stupid faces.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
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One thing I would advise people to do who believe that climate change is going to end civilization is to live in a big city and do an office job, while not learning to grow their own food, not learn learn to use a gun, and not learn to hunt animals for food. I would also advise them to save as much as they can in long term investments in a 401k for retirement, even though that money will be useless once civilization collapses due to climate change. Generally speaking, if you are worried about climate change, you should live your life planning for the long haul and the continued existence of civilization as we know it and not be like those prepper types who are getting ready for the collapse. Because science.
um... how about you say in a couple sentences what you really think, but without the blue font?

Yeah, I get the sarcasm, just hoping you can be more direct.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Just checking in... I take it you believe the reports of the threat of climate change are way overblown, too?

Don’t wanna hijack the thread to a different subject, just curious as to where ppl basically stand on the issue.

Didn't see this before my blue font post above, but I'm going to ask you the following:

- Are you preparing for the climate change apocalypse?
- Do you save money for retirement?
- Do you grow your own food and buy reserves (not just a few extra days worth of stuff to fill up your pantry, but enough to last for months and months, if not longer)?
- Do you know how to hunt for food? Could you field dress a deer or an elk?

Generally, if you believe climate change is going to bring about some imminent apocalypse, why aren't you doing everything in your power to prepare for it?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
One thing I would advise people to do who believe that climate change is going to end civilization is to live in a big city and do an office job, while not learning to grow their own food, not learn learn to use a gun, and not learn to hunt animals for food. I would also advise them to save as much as they can in long term investments in a 401k for retirement, even though that money will be useless once civilization collapses due to climate change. Generally speaking, if you are worried about climate change, you should live your life planning for the long haul and the continued existence of civilization as we know it and not be like those prepper types who are getting ready for the collapse. Because science.
Also, buy a mansion on the coast even though oceans are rising 40 inches a second due to cow farts in Nebraska melting icebergs in Antarctica.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
um... how about you say in a couple sentences what you really think, but without the blue font?

Yeah, I get the sarcasm, just hoping you can be more direct.
Start a new thread. I’ll moderate every political statement out of it and we’ll just stick to the science. I’m begging you.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Also, buy a mansion on the coast even though oceans are rising 40 inches a second due to cow farts in Nebraska melting icebergs in Antarctica.

Specifically, if you are a person of some former importance, buy a $15 million mansion on Martha's Vineyard, which will be one of the first places to go underwater once the ice caps melt completely (which, of course, will be gone by the year 2000 ... trust me on this, it's science).


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Specifically, if you are a person of some former importance, buy a $15 million mansion on Martha's Vineyard, which will be one of the first places to go underwater once the ice caps melt completely (which, of course, will be gone by the year 2000 ... trust me on this, it's science).
That’s been revised to 2001. Stop spreading misinformation in retrospect, you fucking Nazi.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
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I’ve never said anything on the subject so not sure about others but if you want to discuss it by all means make a thread about it. Until then don’t put words in people’s mouths. What’s comical was your “scientists”.

You've continually in this thread set the mark for what’s acceptable to believe and what’s not. You criticize people who mention science and medicine and the people who publish it if it doesn’t match with what you want to push. You use quotation marks to marginalize ideas that don’t align with what you want people to think. It’s a very common thing to marginalize and ridicule people along with throwing in those hateful adjectives to describe people and ideas.

I‘ve said a dozen times in this thread along with others we aren’t scientists and we‘re open to ideas. You with your actions and ridicule don’t help the discussion so stop with the pettiness please.
Hey there, I think we can all acknowledge it can sometimes
be difficult to remain civil and respectful when the disagreement is so profound. I know I put a huge effort into it, but I don’t always succeed.

And you would have to acknowledge that you occasionally resort to ridicule and scorn as well... right?

As for putting quote marks around the word “scientists”, I’m just gonna have to throw my buddy -X- under the bus on this one. The ol’ playground taunt works well on this one: “He started it!” -X- has been putting quote marks around “science” for a long time in this thread.

Lastly, I’ll concede that you (Old School) have never shared your views on climate change, and yeah, I don’t know what they are. But for at least a couple posters on this thread (X and 1328), it’s pretty clear they think the threat of climate change is overblown.

Cheers, doing my best to be civil, all I can do....


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
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  • #16
Didn't see this before my blue font post above, but I'm going to ask you the following:

- Are you preparing for the climate change apocalypse?
- Do you save money for retirement?
- Do you grow your own food and buy reserves (not just a few extra days worth of stuff to fill up your pantry, but enough to last for months and months, if not longer)?
- Do you know how to hunt for food? Could you field dress a deer or an elk?

Generally, if you believe climate change is going to bring about some imminent apocalypse, why aren't you doing everything in your power to prepare for it?
As regards climate change, I think people my age (50) and older will be fine, but I think our grandkids will be screwed.

Again, just hoping you can say a couple sentences on the matter re. your stance. Not looking to hijack the thread, just hoping to hear a basic summary of your take.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
But for at least a couple posters on this thread (X and 1328), it’s pretty clear they think the threat of climate change is overblown.

I think it's clear that anyone who is not making concerted efforts to survive and protect their family and loved ones from the impending climate apocalypse, and all that entails, thinks the threat of climate change is overblown irrespective of their stated beliefs. Ditto for anyone planning out their lives or decades into the future through saving, investing, and so on.

Actions > words.

Again, just hoping you can say a couple sentences on the matter re. your stance. Not looking to hijack the thread, just hoping to hear a basic summary of your take.

I think my take is pretty clear.

I've been hearing doom and gloom scenarios since I was a kid. Back in the 1970's it was going to be a new ice age. Somewhere along the line it suddenly shifted to runaway global warming. I've heard the ice caps were going to melt in 1990, then in 2000, then in 2005, then in 2015 no we really really really mean it this time no shit. I've seen computer models systematically overpredict the temperature rises and effects of global warming. I've seen treaties that completely exclude the two countries that produce more greenhouse gases than anyone else (hint: The US ain't either one of them).

I've seen the loudest evangelists for climate change continue to fly on private jets and live in huge mansions with huge carbon footprints that exceed those of us regular dudes (who are supposed to cut back) many many times over. As I've sarcastically stated above, I've seen many of those who profess to believe in climate change hunker down and plan for the future as if civilization will continue humming along while not doing the things they would need to do to survive a pending apocalypse, much less trying to see that their children and grandchildren learn those skills.

In short, I see a lot of apocalyptic predictions that keep not coming true, and a lot of people who make or agree with them not living in accordance with their beliefs. I tend to not ignore glaring contradictions like that.
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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
As regards climate change, I think people my age (50) and older will be fine, but I think our grandkids will be screwed.
You should have already been screwed. 50 years ago we had 10 years left. Then 15. But no more than 20

Okay 30. But that’s it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Also, buy a mansion on the coast even though oceans are rising 40 inches a second due to cow farts in Nebraska melting icebergs in Antarctica.

just on this, why are banks still giving 30 year loans on buildings next to beaches around the world if they will be under water in 5 years?

ever noticed how beaches have remained exactly the same the last 50 years. surely the rising water would have made some kind of impact on them by now.

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