April Fools Pranks ...whatcha got?

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I love this day , I really do !!!

First thing I did was load up the wifes blow dryer with baby powder. An timeless joke that almost always goes over well ,except when it makes her late for work. Would post pictures but she was topless. No means No !!!

sent 2 detective buddies to my nephews house, knocking on his door and asking him all types of questions about what he did last night, who he was with etc. Finished the interrogation with " just to let you know, your uncle says Happy Birthday !!!" Last year I took the tires off his car,and when him and fiance came over for birthday dinner, I gave them back to him !!

Put a "For Rent" up in front of one buddies house. Also put one up in front of our house just to piss off the neighbors.

Completely enveloped another buddies house in blue tarps, caution tape and danger signs. I should be hearing from him soon.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This day always reminds me of my sister's first marriage.

My mother hated the guy. I really liked him.

Anyway,,, they got married on April 1st. I'll never forget that because of what happened moments before they tied the knot.

My little Sis was about to walk down the aisle. I was sitting next to my Mom and I asked her if she was OK.

She tells me, "This is going to end in a divorce. I can't think of a better day for them to get married because it's a joke."

They were only married for about 5 years.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
I have mixed feelings about this day. Back in high school it was the only day of the year girls would say yes when I asked them out. And they always said it with a giggle. :bueller:

Another time, I set up a threesome on April 1st. There were a couple of no shows, but I had a good time. :whistle:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
Great pranks, Rhody!

My daughter got me bad many years ago when she was in middle school.

Back then, we had those sprayers on the kitchen sinks... the ones that sat alone by themselves. When you pressed the little lever, it switched the water flow from the faucet to that sprayer... you remember those?

Anyway, she put a rubber band around the lever and pointed it outward.

I come along before work... in my pressed shirt and jacked.... turn on the water and get soaked.

After about a second of figuring out what she had done... and absorbing how good the prank was... I just laughed!


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Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
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Yeah brother and I used to do the water sprayer thing way back when...we have graduated since then.

for my 40th b-day (almost 10 years ago) he called up nursing homes all over the tri state area (RI, CT and Mass) and got me signed up in their mailing lists. Still get brochures in the mail for assisted living facilities.

I put a classified ad in the local newspaper advertising "Free Elvis Presley memorabilia" with his phone number listed. He was getting calls all hours of the day for about 2 weeks

lockers filled with ping pong balls, BB's or speedy dry, sweeping compound etc, 100's of pink flamingo lawn decorations appeared on our cousins extremely well manicured lawn in a very high end neighborhood, the list goes on and on

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Dude I had a friend in high school who had gotten me good on an April Fools prank so I needed to get him back so I called Care Unit -which was a rehab center is so cal at the time and told them my buddy was about to kill himself cause of his girlfriend and told them he's in serious denial and I can't get through to him and I needed their help
I made sure to let Care Unit know that no matter how much he denied it they needed to do all they could to get through and rescue him - that he says life is a joke

So when they call he let's them know that somebody is playing a joke and the Care Unit people tell him "that's what your friend said you would say - life is no joke"

Hahahha anyway they kept calling him all day

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
The best prank I ever pulled was over revenge. A co-worker left on my desk an illicit "certificate" for anyone to see. Pissed me off, plus, he went on vacation the next day.

As it turned out, I had a dentist appointment the day he returned. I hooked a bunch of people in on the plot. What they told him was that I got into a fight with another co-worker over his "certificate" and that I was suspended. I allegedly accused the other guy of putting it on my desk, but of course he was in on it, too. Everyone he talked to was in on it. This guy was guilt-ridden.

Until I walked in around 11. Then he was pissed.