Anyone have or familiar with Fibromyalgia?

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Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
I'm 40, healthy like diet and exercise. No gym the last 2 weeks, stressful job especially in these times. The last month I've felt shooting and constant pain like 10 out of 10 in my hands, feet and overall body especially back. Honestly it's head to toe. My feet at times holy shit!!! I appreciate any input. I practically bathe in CBD it only does so much ya know Never had any conditions prior. I don't take my health for granted. But something isn't right. I waived health coverage this year because it was expensive and high deductible. Fuck! I don't think there is any treatment anyway. Thanks to anyone who replies!

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Have you been diagnosed with it? I went through testing for this. Had to go to a rheumatologist. I have pretty bad arthritis in my right hip and have joint pain all over. Still figuring out all the joints.

But, my sister in law has it. She takes the same as me every day, Meloxicam. She said it helps a bit but not nearly as much as it should. She will get an edible when it's bad. I dont think the CBD helps her unless its a mild kind of day. But, I'm sure that depends on the amount. Also, are you letting the CBD sit under your tongue for 5-10 minutes? I find that helps me. I really hope you find some answers. Living with pain dialy fucking sucks. I'm only 36. We are both too young for this bullshit lol


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Fibromyalgia tends to be a bit of a catch all for "I don't know what it is-itis". Yeah, I'll catch some shit for this but the bottom line is that it is not a well defined illness and only multiple tests can give you a semi-firm diagnosis.

So before you lambaste me over this... My wife, my niece, and her close friend were diagnosed with it. A bit prematurely and wrongly I might add.

With my wife, it ended up actually being an allergic reaction to eggs and ginger. My niece had a tumor near her brain stem (not to panic you). With her friend, it was more associated to a divorce and job stress.

My suggestion (very unprofessional) would be to either go for REAL testing or start eliminating any known allergens from your surroundings or diet.

From my understanding, there is no actual cure for fibromyalgia anyway so.... Diet and exercise is probably your best bet. And get rid of that cat.

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist but doctors can be lazy as the next person and as anecdotal as this may be, they are 3 for 3 in shitting the bed on this one.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
My wife swears by this for her arthritis. And it can help with blood pressure, indigestion, and weight loss. It can’t hurt. Good luck seeking some relief. Hurting sucks.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
I'm 40, healthy like diet and exercise. No gym the last 2 weeks, stressful job especially in these times. The last month I've felt shooting and constant pain like 10 out of 10 in my hands, feet and overall body especially back. Honestly it's head to toe. My feet at times holy shit!!! I appreciate any input. I practically bathe in CBD it only does so much ya know Never had any conditions prior. I don't take my health for granted. But something isn't right. I waived health coverage this year because it was expensive and high deductible. Fuck! I don't think there is any treatment anyway. Thanks to anyone who replies!
My sister has it and so does a good friend, whom won her disability case because of it and That's freaking hard.

Imho Juggs and 503 made good points. FM comes at folks differently and to be honest, IMHO you need to go to a Doctor 1st because there could be an underlying condition.

And also not just a regular Dr, something like an Internist or Specialist. Like 503 posted getting the right diagnosis for FM is not easy.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Fibromyalgia tends to be a bit of a catch all for "I don't know what it is-itis". Yeah, I'll catch some shit for this but the bottom line is that it is not a well defined illness and only multiple tests can give you a semi-firm diagnosis.

So before you lambaste me over this... My wife, my niece, and her close friend were diagnosed with it. A bit prematurely and wrongly I might add.

With my wife, it ended up actually being an allergic reaction to eggs and ginger. My niece had a tumor near her brain stem (not to panic you). With her friend, it was more associated to a divorce and job stress.

My suggestion (very unprofessional) would be to either go for REAL testing or start eliminating any known allergens from your surroundings or diet.

From my understanding, there is no actual cure for fibromyalgia anyway so.... Diet and exercise is probably your best bet. And get rid of that cat.

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist but doctors can be lazy as the next person and as anecdotal as this may be, they are 3 for 3 in shitting the bed on this one.

This shit here is the truth. It really is a catch all and I don't know that they can actually say for certain someone has it or not. I think that's why so many different people swear by different things for helping. It's not like me with my arthritis....the same pill that helps me helps damn near everyone.

When I went to the Rheumatologist he actually said to me that Doctors are lazy and can't figure it out so they just classify it under FM. He said it's not really their fault. They aren't specialist and don't have the proper testing available. But he made it sound like he gets his time wasted a lot.

Whatever it is. Keep at it. Don't take no for an answer and get it figured out and dialed in.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Fibromyalgia tends to be a bit of a catch all for "I don't know what it is-itis". Yeah, I'll catch some shit for this but the bottom line is that it is not a well defined illness and only multiple tests can give you a semi-firm diagnosis.

So before you lambaste me over this... My wife, my niece, and her close friend were diagnosed with it. A bit prematurely and wrongly I might add.

With my wife, it ended up actually being an allergic reaction to eggs and ginger. My niece had a tumor near her brain stem (not to panic you). With her friend, it was more associated to a divorce and job stress.

My suggestion (very unprofessional) would be to either go for REAL testing or start eliminating any known allergens from your surroundings or diet.

From my understanding, there is no actual cure for fibromyalgia anyway so.... Diet and exercise is probably your best bet. And get rid of that cat.

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist but doctors can be lazy as the next person and as anecdotal as this may be, they are 3 for 3 in shitting the bed on this one.
I agree with this completely. I worked with a guy that wanted something desperately. (yes there are people like that) Kept going to his doctor complaining about every symptom under the sun. They ran test after test, nothing. He was sent to specialists more tests. Still nothing. His doctor sat him down and told him we can find nothing wrong. He was having none of it. Kept going back, kept demanding treatment. In the end they said he had fibromyalgia. I truly believe they just threw there hands up and said here you go. Just to get rid of him. The guy strutted around for weeks like he had been given an award. Again the guy was a true waste of space and doesn't reflect on anyone with a real illness.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
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  • #8
Thank you to everyone no need to tag you. I've read it all throughout. My cousin has and is experiencing similar ailments and pain we've been talking recently. I didn't mean to assume it was FM but that's what I relate to the most. You already detailed and went through all specialists options. She's already been through all of them as well.. There's no reason for me to (well I have to try at least). I can't explain it. I'd say last year late 2019 early 2020 I was experiencing severe shoulder and neck pain then lower back. Then in March 2020 felt it in my hands and feet. Time went on it was off and on. I'd say the last 2 months progressive again neck to feet. Our instincts let us know when it's real. This is something extremely painful and explains a lot of my sleep issues, mood swings and overall exhaustion let a lone constant pain! I've tried empsom salt baths, CBD, straight Marijuana different strains and edibles, massage and alignment yesterday my sister works for a chiropractor. I drink 1-2 gallons water daily and eat a balanced diet. My knees hurt at times as well. I don't know if this is joint, cartilage and or nerve related. I can't grip hand tools at times let alone grip anything at the gym lately. I can't even ride my mountain bike.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Hey @BatteringRambo have you tried accupuncture and in particular the cupping method?

I have been amazed by the effect on muscle and/or joint pain. I am looking for a good accupuncturist here where I am.

I never had pain throughout my body but had severe shoulder, wrist, and ankle pain. I couldn't lift anything over a few pounds and couldn't raise my right arm over shoulder height.

After three treatments, I was pain free for almost 2 years. To me, it was money well spent.

Funny thing is that I thought it was all BS before trying it. Now I'm a convert.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
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  • #10
Dude! @RamFan503 I simply didn't think about accupuncture. I feel like Homer Simpson saying Duh! right now. I live in Tempe AZ there are a ton around here. Many many many thanks!!!!!


Jan 23, 2013
Fibromyalgia tends to be a bit of a catch all for "I don't know what it is-itis". Yeah, I'll catch some shit for this but the bottom line is that it is not a well defined illness and only multiple tests can give you a semi-firm diagnosis.

So before you lambaste me over this... My wife, my niece, and her close friend were diagnosed with it. A bit prematurely and wrongly I might add.

With my wife, it ended up actually being an allergic reaction to eggs and ginger. My niece had a tumor near her brain stem (not to panic you). With her friend, it was more associated to a divorce and job stress.

My suggestion (very unprofessional) would be to either go for REAL testing or start eliminating any known allergens from your surroundings or diet.

From my understanding, there is no actual cure for fibromyalgia anyway so.... Diet and exercise is probably your best bet. And get rid of that cat.

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist but doctors can be lazy as the next person and as anecdotal as this may be, they are 3 for 3 in shitting the bed on this one.

My doctor told me the same thing. It’s a catch all and very undefined diagnosis.

I’d try to be seen by a neurologist. I had some similar symptoms and the root was the top two vertebrae in my neck were badly deteriorated and fused together in a pyramid shape. They were pushing into my brain stem and causing all kinds of strange symptoms.

13 hours of surgery and a long recovery period (1.5 years until I felt like myself), and I now have rods going from C4 to C1 then the bend at a 45 degree angle and are attached to my skull to support my head.Fortunately the the Doctor was wrong when he said I would be chair bound for the rest of my life. It healed beautifully and I can do just about everything I could before, just in shorter duration.. I just have to be more careful, and deal with the headaches when I try to do to much.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
My doctor told me the same thing. It’s a catch all and very undefined diagnosis.

I’d try to be seen by a neurologist. I had some similar symptoms and the root was the top two vertebrae in my neck were badly deteriorated and fused together in a pyramid shape. They were pushing into my brain stem and causing all kinds of strange symptoms.

13 hours of surgery and a long recovery period (1.5 years until I felt like myself), and I now have rods going from C4 to C1 then the bend at a 45 degree angle and are attached to my skull to support my head.Fortunately the the Doctor was wrong when he said I would be chair bound for the rest of my life. It healed beautifully and I can do just about everything I could before, just in shorter duration.. I just have to be more careful, and deal with the headaches when I try to do to much.
Glad to hear Elm and best of Wishes.

Like I posted FM is caused by many reasons. See a Specialist.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
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  • #13
What's up All and @RamFan503. Update- I tried an acupuncture session. Minimal relief everything came right back. I'm convinced I have FM or rheumatoid arthritis. My mom and grandma had and suffered through RA. In the end 40 plus years of Prednisone? took my mom's life at 59 years it simply deteriorated her vital organs plus all the other steroids/anti inflammation meds. My grandmother was 80 lived w wonderful life, both did. I had a friend suggest RSO so I'm having my friend grab me some tomorrow at the dispensary. This 10 out of 10 pins and needles burning etc all day and night takes a toll! If I still had health insurance this year my apologize but I'm smarter than just getting assessed and put on steroids. Sometimes it's ok to take a chance on your own intuition. I am. Btw I started this thread because ROD has a lot of good people and some things in life are not all our Rams. :horns:


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
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  • #14
Hey @Elmgrovegnome I'm reading your response right now. I feel like a newbie this literally snuck up on me the last 2 months but prior sorta progressively the last few years if I look back.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
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  • #17
Dr. Rhonda Patrick's has been on the JRE over the past years. She's always been phenomenal. I remember her mentioning astralgalus? As a natural herbal supplement to help with arthritis. My long term memory clicks when I get stoned!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
I agree with Stu, try eliminating food from the diet. With age, our bodies change. At 27 I grew allergic to shrimp. At 40 tomato sauce, though I think it was related to catching norovirus twice in less than a year. After my second stroke, coffee. I can only drink a half cup. I am in great shape and good diet, did the McVay challenge last year.

Had a co-worker with similar responses to yours, she progressed to gluten allergies. If trust in doctors or cost is a concern, take the easy route and drop an allergenic food for a week and see how your body reacts and adjusts. Remember, they're only human and every human body is a little different.


Jan 23, 2013
@Elmgrovegnome thank you for sharing. Seriously, I'm at a loss on words right now.

I've gone through more than my fair share of serious illness and hospitalizations growing up, but none of it prepared me for the news that if I didn't have the surgery to repair my neck, I was guaranteed to end up permanently in a bed until I died, and if I did have the surgery I still could end up in a bed for the rest of my life. Sitting in a chair most of my life was the doctors best case scenario. There was a room with full of neurosurgeons, some who came out of retirement, and several others from around the country on a conference call trying to figure out what to do about my situation. It was comforting to know that I had so many great minds trying to help me, but at the same time it was very unsettling that they had to go to that length to figure out a possible solution. We had my daughter on the way at the same time plus a four year old, physical little tough guy that loved to rough around with his dad. It wasn't easy.