Any Ones Kids Sensitive to Music?

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
my daughter has been what I would call, super-sensitive to music. Much like me, she can be completely lost in a song. And while that may be awesome for music appreciation later, it's becoming sad at times now. If a sad song comes on, she feels the vibe and breaks down sobbing. Even if I'm just playing something on my guitar, same result. She is 5 now and it just tears me up to see it. I don't think I was ever like this. Would you think it's something to worry over? Or is it just her being really receptive?


May 28, 2011
I think she's just artistic, and really enjoys the music. I certainly wouldn't worry about it, especially as she's so young, most of the time she probably doesn't even understand her emotions. I know when I was a kid different songs would give me different reactions and I had no idea why.

Hell when I was 4 or 5 some song (I think it was a spice girls song) gave me a hard on whenever I heard it, and I had no idea why. All I knew is it did something to me and I didn't like it. Kids are fucking weird man..


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Some kids are very empathetic. They deeply feel what others are trying to communicate.

Now in music, that's a gift. In the real world, it can be difficult because some people are terrible. It's like living with an emotional sunburn that's healing. The emotions are just more sensitive to everything, love AND hate.

My eldest son who's high functioning autistic is like that. Would give his lunch away every day if any kid forgot theirs not realizing that the school would give that kid something to eat.

He laughs super hard at a funny jokes, almost too hard, but also takes things really hard.

He's 23 and a fantastic person. I will say that other parents I've met who have kids like this usually after a bit try to desensitize their kids either for their convenience or to protect their kids. I chose to grow him as best as I could to be the best version of who he already was rather than try and change him.

Just know that there WILL be pressure on you to make your child change and conform.

Hope this sharing is helpful in some small measure and thanks for sharing. Empathetic kids are a joy!

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I definitely encourage my kids to be free thinkers and empathetic. I do hope she is artistic. I always have been. I often get lost in music, and when I play, hours can go by and seem like short moments. But I can not recall ever being so effected. I don't know if it's a combo of me being able to put my emotions into a song as well as her being able to pick it up or what. But it's definitely perplexing

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
She may not necessarily be an artist just cause she gets a little emotional when hearing music - i'd say it sounds like she just digs music a lot
If it is her crying at sad songs try and avoid those and play music that is uplifting
Play music without lyrics
Play orchestral music and enlighten her
Forget the radio and that crappy shit they call music nowadays and let her listen to jazz
Let her find the emotional connection to Bach and Rachmaninoff
Educate her on music and why we as humans connect to it
- she sounds like a cool young lady
Talk to her about storytelling

It's not a problem but a blessing

- as an artist who makes a fine living off their craft I would just do a better job of curating what she listens to and make it a point to share your love of music with her in a natural way


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
I wouldn't think it's really very uncommon , every other day someone is posting a video on Facebook of some little kid strapped to a car seat in the back seat of the car crying when some sad song comes on the radio

I would like to wish you better luck with your daughter then I've had with mine , when she sings , I'm the one that cries