Who's a celebrity that annoys you the instant their name is mentioned???

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
He wasn't a typical celebrity and he's dead now, but I absolutely hate Steve fucking Jobs.

He's complicated for me... He's responsible for so much that is good about how we use our devices.

Imagine a world without Apple... where we still have MP3 players with a gazillion buttons and you have to be a "hard core MP3 listener" to have a remotely good experience... and without Steve Jobs, we'd still be stuck with record industry bullshit about "albums" to sell 1 or 2 songs with 8 fillers instead of just the ones you wanted... which leads into the entire streaming paradigm that's so normal today... music, movies, podcasts, etc. NONE of it happens without him.

We literally wouldn't have fonts... We wouldn't have Pixar as George Lucas would have let it die in it's infancy (George Lucas founded it and sold it to Jobs who needed a project after Sculley ousted him from Apple) seeing as he didn't know what to do with it... and without Pixar pushing the digital paradigm and showing what was possible with animation, much of the special effects we know and love today would have taken much longer to develop... including just straight special effects... and we wouldn't even have Windows as Gates stole much of the code for Windows 1.0 from Apple... Gates didn't like the idea of a GUI at first and it wasn't until he saw the first Apple machine the he switched his take on it... they even left a bunch of code in unchanged. So there's no guarantee that we EVER see a GUI since no one had ever considered it and Xerox PARC only developed it as a research project without commercial application.

And the list goes on...

Also... just about everything bad in Silicon Valley... The fucking egos... the petty tyrant... the lack of a social conscience... dude was worth billions and didn't believe in charity... he was an asshole to the mother of his child (that's putting it mildly) and refused to be a father for years. He used valuation to work people half to death. Some made out, but plenty who contributed mightily to his and Apple's success were left with little, but bitterness and not much else.

As much as "the Valley" had issue with Jobs, they all secretly wanted to BE him... And while they could be just as bad or worse... Mark fucking Zuckerberg comes to mind... none of them had the vision that Jobs did.

But yeah... I appreciate what he accomplished, but he was a huge asshole, for sure. And my biggest professional accomplishment was something he thought was cool and woulda made me hella rich if the assholes running the dot.com I was working for could have just launched... dammit.
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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I can not agree with that statement
View attachment 44988

Meh... there's millions of hot girls/guys/ w/e floats anyone's boats and they grow more every day.

If we shouldn't listen to folks who actually had talent even if we may not appreciate it to GET to the position where they state opinions we may hate... fucking influencers just put on some yoga pants or a bikini or w/e dudes put on to be an influencer and expect to be listened to for literally no fucking reason at all except they look hot in yoga pants or a bikini.

It's not like someone's saying, "I listen because this hot chick blows me" or "I listen to this dude because he blows my back out every single time"... nope... for eye candy that's beyond common???

I don't get it.

Saw a t-shirt once... "for every hot girl out there, there's a dude out there who's sick of her shit." Or something like that... and the same goes for everyone else.

I miss the days when you needed some kind of talent to get attention. But that's just me. I know influencers are a thing. Maybe this is how I know I'm getting really old now... I'm starting to enjoy saying things like, "I remember when..." LOL


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I'll stay out of this one. I try to play make believe with these celebrities when they are performing their craft but I let them talk to the hand when they feel a need to vomit their social inclinations. Otherwise, I would miss a lot of otherwise good movies and shows. There are a few things I bypass already just because of who is starring in them so I try to keep that to a minimum. I mean I still watch the Lakers despite some of the ignorant crap that comes out of Lebron James' mouth. I guess I do have some pretty strong filters when I need them. :unsure:

Yep. I mean, I think Tom Cruise is beyond problematic... the shit done FOR him with his knowledge in scientology is just... really bad.

And... for my money, NO ONE consistently makes better action movies. NO ONE. It's not close. Dude just DELIVERS.

But as a person? Let's just say I cheered Katie Holmes when she engineered her escape which in and of itself was like a Mission: Impossible movie involving burner phones and almost a year of planning, iirc. Shit should be a movie at some point... for real.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Yep, they are meaningless as the Nobel Prizes have become.

Only the Peace Prize has become a joke and that's unfortunate as it's probably the most important one.

That said, the prizes for Chemistry, Physics, Medicine and Literature are most certainly not jokes. I think there are others, but I don't know them all off the top of my head.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
What celebrity annoys me the moment they're mentioned?

Any Kardashian
Any Jenner
Any reality star, especially if there's a talk show or "real housewives" attached to it
James Woods... fuck that hobbit
Gwyneth Paltrow... NO, I don't want a candle that smells like your vag you weirdo
Amber Heard... Beat the snot out of Johnny Depp for years and then tried to play the victim? Fuck her for making it harder for victims.
Steven Seagal... Chris Farley was a more believable fat martial artist than Seagal is now... not kidding, btw, no blue font.
Someone already said Denis Leary, but I'll say it again: Denis Leary
Lena Dunham... I'm not a fucking misogynist because I hated your HBO show...c#%$
Justin Bieber... I'm not a fucking misogynist because I hate your music...C#%$
Ben Shapiro... dude can tell you how much of an idiot he is FASTER than anyone else on the planet
Hillary Clinton... Do I need to say ANYTHING???
Taylor Swift... I swear, make another break up song...
Woody Allen... obvious reasons.
Joel Osteen... everything I despise
Mariah Carey... only the worst parts of being a diva...
And I agree with Nick Cannon... FUCK Nick Cannon...

Sorry, I got on a roll there...


Jun 11, 2017
You know I try not to say a woman is ugly because even though they may not have the best appearance they could be pretty inside but when they are both ugly inside and outside - I just can't help myself.