Try Defying Gravity

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
It's a cliche' now...To spread one's wings and fly in the midst of open space...To step off the creative cliff and to soar....What is it about what you are called to do in this life that makes you "fly"? It doesn't have to be anything grand in terms of commercial success. It is something like the character Will Hunting said about mathematics, like Mozart did from an early age with music, "I could just play" in the field of Math.

Let me start. I gained confidence in my working life in driving tour bus. I was a d@mn virtuoso in doing the New York to Los Angeles tour for Cosmos Tours...I did that tour 2-3 times a year for several years, and knew every turn in the route...I was a personable, safe driver that knew the road. I thought it was my gift, but I was wrong.

When my driving days were done (it was hurting my health), I decided to follow lifelong dream of getting a degree. Like always, I chose a degree path (or work path) that would give me the greatest income. I was going to be a computer scientist. My plan was to become an actuary for an insurance company. I gave it all that I had, and I learned about how much I loathed computer science! lol. I did what my long ago high school transcripts said that I shouldn't do, I went after understanding math. I started with beginning Algebra, and skipped Intermediate Algebra and finished College Algebra. I then did Pre-Calculus and Calculus I...I got all "A's" until Calc I, which I got a high "B."
While hating Computer Science, I realized there was no future for me in just doing Math. I was pretty good at it, but I wasn't excellent. I don't like programming! So I dropped from college for two years.

I tried writing a dystopian novel about the effect of an EMP explosion over Kansas, while not in college. I loved doing it and finished 100 + pages (8 1/2 x 11 in per page),. but I realized that no one would take me seriously as a writer, without the letters after my name (BS, MA, PhD.). So I went back to University and will finish a degree in History (BS) in December this year. My idea is to write historically true, fiction for teens. There is a large market for these stories...But what I am loving in the meantime are creative writing and fiction writing (upper level) courses that I am taking as electives. I love making readers connect to my stories...I love to read my stories out loud and have it affect people in ways that are authentic. I know that I have to give up my "man" card by saying this, but when my words touch people, I think "you really like me!" While trying not to cry. (I'm an idiot, right? lol). It feels like I am floating and defying gravity at these moments

WHAT DO YOU DO TO DEFY GRAVITY? What special thing is there about you, that you are just D@MN good at? Everyone has a talent, tell us about it.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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I'm looking at YOU, Memento!:rockon:


May 28, 2011
I can shoot something 3,000+ yards away with the right rifle... That's probably my biggest talent.. That and being a walking encyclopedia of Star Wars..

Oh and I'm pretty good at physics I guess, but I don't know if that's really a talent... Same with Star Wars, not really a talent, just being a nerd.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I was actually inspired to write when my late cousin (fate rest his soul) thought that I had enough talent to be a writer and encouraged me when nobody else would. I actually wasn't a great writer at first. I started writing Warriors (anthromorphic cat novels) fanfiction when I was fifteen. I got flamed multiple times, and it made me want to be a better writer. Wrote for Pokemon (and still do), Call of Duty (don't laugh; it was a challenge of writing a self-insert in less than 1,000 words a chapter), and Redwall (which remains one of my favorite books to read as a teen).

I slowly improved, thanks to the help of friends who were better writers than me (and I'm not joking; a lot of them could go into original fiction if they chose to do so). I think I started hitting my stride when I was twenty-one/twenty-two. I wrote a Pokemon horror fanfiction that gained a following on a certain website. I stopped writing it due to my mental-illness taking ahold of me and making me think too much like the main character (who was completely insane).

So I started writing some other projects. Pokemon, of course, but also some original stuff. I gained an idea in my head that started with a Belarussian sniper and a female Irish assassin, but it grew into something much more. Eventually, years later, when I was twenty-five, I got the full idea into my head and added more original ideas. One of them (a D&D expy) I actually got on the way to a friend's house at a party. Another (the finale of the pentalogy) I got on my way to a hospital visit.

The thing of it is, I can't stop thinking of ideas. Like, literally, I can have a random thought in my head and it plays out like a movie of the scene, only it's in written form in my head.

Right now, I'm doing Pokemon screenshot writing for a website (where I use screenshots to paste and tell a story), and I'm so close to finishing one of them.

So yeah, I'm still writing, and still thinking of how to implement writing into my daily life. It's cathartic for me, helps my emotional and mental state, and I love doing it. I've never, ever thought of writing as a chore to do, even when I've struggled with writer's block.

They say that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. That's me and writing.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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I was actually inspired to write when my late cousin (fate rest his soul) thought that I had enough talent to be a writer and encouraged me when nobody else would. I actually wasn't a great writer at first. I started writing Warriors (anthromorphic cat novels) fanfiction when I was fifteen. I got flamed multiple times, and it made me want to be a better writer. Wrote for Pokemon (and still do), Call of Duty (don't laugh; it was a challenge of writing a self-insert in less than 1,000 words a chapter), and Redwall (which remains one of my favorite books to read as a teen).

I slowly improved, thanks to the help of friends who were better writers than me (and I'm not joking; a lot of them could go into original fiction if they chose to do so). I think I started hitting my stride when I was twenty-one/twenty-two. I wrote a Pokemon horror fanfiction that gained a following on a certain website. I stopped writing it due to my mental-illness taking ahold of me and making me think too much like the main character (who was completely insane).

So I started writing some other projects. Pokemon, of course, but also some original stuff. I gained an idea in my head that started with a Belarussian sniper and a female Irish assassin, but it grew into something much more. Eventually, years later, when I was twenty-five, I got the full idea into my head and added more original ideas. One of them (a D&D expy) I actually got on the way to a friend's house at a party. Another (the finale of the pentalogy) I got on my way to a hospital visit.

The thing of it is, I can't stop thinking of ideas. Like, literally, I can have a random thought in my head and it plays out like a movie of the scene, only it's in written form in my head.

Right now, I'm doing Pokemon screenshot writing for a website (where I use screenshots to paste and tell a story), and I'm so close to finishing one of them.

So yeah, I'm still writing, and still thinking of how to implement writing into my daily life. It's cathartic for me, helps my emotional and mental state, and I love doing it. I've never, ever thought of writing as a chore to do, even when I've struggled with writer's block.

They say that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. That's me and writing.
So good Memento! the above expression is something that I am not able to do, so you got me there!

I need to expand my creativity, because I tend to create fiction that mirrors former real life experience, but then I take the story in a direction that may have scared me as a possibility, but didn't happen as I had feared. My 'voice' has a real edge of reality which is a strength I think...Another strength of my writing is found in constant editing by me. I often cringe when I read some of my posts in here because of the mistakes! So I am glad for the quiet of being alone with a keyboard and all of the time in the world to make it better, which for some reason is different here.

It's funny that often I am stopped in writing because of self doubt, but when a deadline approaches it flows from


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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I can shoot something 3,000+ yards away with the right rifle... That's probably my biggest talent.. That and being a walking encyclopedia of Star Wars..

Oh and I'm pretty good at physics I guess, but I don't know if that's really a talent... Same with Star Wars, not really a talent, just being a nerd.
That is an incredible talent! Although I saw the original Star Wars about 17 times in the theaters back in the 70's, this is the only relevant gif that I use to torment a fan of a team that we beat....
When we beat the Colts in Week one, it's Yoda time....


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Wow, looks like I'm I'm good company. I'm an amateur/aspiring writer, but that's not my gravity thing.

I haven't been doing it long, but I'm in a senior technical position at my job (which also isn't the thing) and I've become somewhat of a trusted advisor to my boss. When he comes to me with a problem and I cut through the crap to give him a plan, then I see his eyes light up, man that's irreplaceable to me. That skill set helps in the technical side too, but it just doesn't feel the same. Solving business problems, especially with my miniscule amount of business experience and training, that's my thing. I love helping my boss save us money, make things faster and easier, change processes and help us win. Eventually I won't be helping my manager to do that, but I'll be doing it as the manager/director/hmfic.


Jan 15, 2013
That is an incredible talent! Although I saw the original Star Wars about 17 times in the theaters back in the 70's, this is the only relevant gif that I use to torment a fan of a team that we beat....
When we beat the Colts in Week one, it's Yoda time....
Disturbing that is.


Jan 15, 2013
I used to try to write. I enjoyed it but it was frustrating. The only part of it I was decent at was writing from a single perspective. Dialogue was painful. I would write perspective or opinion pieces or short things, poems, short stories that create "moments".
Lyrics too. Working on a metal album now with some guys I know. Writing the lyrics and kind of setting the tone and theme of the "album". Will see if it ever gets recorded.
I made my living for a bit playing drums. I started late playing (16) and was doing it as a living by the time I was 20, was a father at 24, so, reality set it and had the big choice to make, so, that went away.
I've always wanted to do my own thing in terms of owning a business. Managed a couple, owned one small business that lasted a few years. Trying to start another one now. A ton of work, self imposed stress and plenty of expense/risk with potential of no financial reward.
What is my big talent? I don't know. I have found I am C+ at a lot of things, so far, great at none of them.
I worked with kids coaching for a while. Was good at it but my expectations for work and commitment from them was too high. Did the Big Brother/counseling thing for a bit. Actually won a couple of awards for that. Enjoyed it greatly but found it hard to not become very emotionally invested in it, which sadly, in most cases leads to heart breaking of a sort.
I enjoy the process of creating something. In fact I enjoy the process of developing a process. Allows the OCD nature to be productive (not so good when trying to coach kids). Really enjoy that aspect of trying to build a business from the ground up.
The creative people I have known who are successful in the arts (a cousin who
Is a writer, a musician etc) are borderline narcissistic with their time and goals. Kind of how it has to be it seems. I never had that.
Like having a baby and wife at home and getting an offer to go on tour with a band. It would have been fun and barely paid then bills....but I'd be gone for 8 months at a time.
I just couldn't justify it to myself with a young family. So it goes.
So, you settle in and work jobs that pay the bills and allow for a decent standard of living for your family but have zero creative outlet. That's what's missing for me. I also realized I've spent much of adult life being a "mother hen". Working hard and investing spare time in others....coaching, the big brother and counseling things....and no one has ever given a toss about what I want to do.
Little creative projects, music, one cares. At least in my world and more than likely in yours. Helping the kids....the kids care to a point. For the parents you are just a babysitter for the most part.
So, this new venture allows for a bit of creativity. That's good. I want to create something good and positive. I also want to become wealthy (by my measure). Not ashamed to say that. Part of that motivation is to have that "F U" in my own mind for everyone who has never believed in me. Which is basically everyone one around me with a very few exceptions. I know that is immature but it is a scratch I have to try and itch. It's either that or go out a window one day.
So, I'm great at nothing. The nearest thing has been the big brother counselor thing.
So, I encourage everyone to realize most people around you don't care what you are investing your time and energy in. They are too busy with their own struggles and failings. Also, a lot of people have no capacity for creativity. If you do get that book published or the record recorded (or whatever) you are likely to receive scorn or push back from those around you or those engaged in the activity. It's human nature sadly.
But, it's worth doing for yourself. So keep writing y'all. Even if those around you don't get it.


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
I've been working on a stand-up routine... and I've dicked around a bit with making 2D platformer games for PC.

Edit: I also wrote and recorded a song back in grad school. Sounded a bit like Jethro Tull minus the flute.