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Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
I've read and heard that a player doesn't get suspended until he fails his 3rd test.

Is that right? If so, then he has got to be a total idiot to get suspended.

I mean, I can't believe you fail your first test, and keep doing stuff, then fail again, and STILL keep doing stuff.

Then FAIL AGAIN and deny and complain about it.

This can't be true, can it?


Hall of Fame
Sep 22, 2012
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... on-miller/</a>
Posted by Michael David Smith on August 19, 2013, 12:02 PM EDT
Von Miller

On the Von Miller suspension front, the news is even worse than expected for the Denver Broncos, as Miller appears to be facing a six-game suspension, rather than the four-game suspension that was reported last month.

The news also suggests that Miller and the league are engaged in a negotiation to find some middle ground between the ordinary substance-abuse suspensions of four games (for a first suspension) or a full year (for a second suspension). If the NFL intends to suspend Miller for more than four games, then the NFL must be contending that Miller did something more than just the violation that triggered the initial reports of a four-game suspension.

Previous reports indicated that Miller was in the process of appealing the ordinary four-game suspension, but according to Adam Schefter and Chris Mortensen of ESPN, Miller is actually probably going to be suspended for at least six games.

So why would the previously reported four-game suspension now be bumped up to six games? One possibility is that there has been some other violation since word leaked out last month about Miller facing a four-game suspension.

Another possibility is that Miller’s violations were an attempt to cheat the league’s drug-testing system. For instance, Miller’s former teammate D.J. Williams was suspended six games last year after the league said he twice provided a substance other than human urine for his drug tests, then was seen attempting to pour something from a bottle hidden in his waist band into his urine sample. A report surfaced in late July that Miller had never actually tested positive for anything, but as Williams found out, you can be suspended for six games without testing positive for anything if the league thinks you tried to cheat the system.

Word surfaced last week that Miller had been arrested, but it seems highly unlikely that the suspension has anything to do with that: Miller’s arrest was for a failure to appear in court on a traffic violation, and that’s not the type of thing that gets players suspended for a first offense of the personal-conduct policy.

The NFL and Miller have been mum about what Miller actually did to violate the league’s substance-abuse policy. But it appears that the NFL is accusing Miller of going beyond the ordinary substance-abuse violations that typically trigger a four-game suspension.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ts-codeine</a>
Browns WR Josh Gordon's suspension shows he already has a failed drug test in the NFL

After testing positive for codeine, a banned substance in the NFL, Browns WR Josh Gordon picked up a two-game suspension, meaning he was already in Stage Two of the league's substance abuse program.

Those not in tune to the underground drug trade learned something a few years back when JaMarcus Russell, then the subject of a federal investigation, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance in July, 2010.

That substance, codeine-based cough syrup, is the main ingredient in a drink that goes by several names, perhaps most popularly called "Purple Drank."

Today on BTSC: Burress ready Concussions conference Off-field incidents London-A-No-Go?
The phrase Purple Drank became something of a punch line, which was the easiest way to describe Russell's horrendous three-year career in Oakland.

Reports have sprung up talking about the use of codeine syrup inside the NFL, and most recently, the positive test for the substance got Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon a two-game suspension.

Gordon's statement:

"The policy terms are strict about unintentional ingestion, but the NFL has not imposed the maximum punishment in light of the facts of my case," Gordon said. "Therefore, I have chosen to be immediately accountable for the situation. I sincerely apologize for the impact on my team, coaches, and Browns fans."

In other words, we're being led to believe an NFL player, who absolutely has to be aware of Russell's plight, allegedly received a prescription in February for a substance that's knowingly banned in the NFL for strep throat. While it's easy for Gordon to hide behind the fact he had a prescription, it seems odd he'd get a prescription for narcotic-level pain medication for strep throat, and perhaps even odder any doctor he'd choose to treat him for such an ailment would be unaware codeine is a banned substance in the NFL.

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Steelers veteran WR Plaxico Burress is ready to return to form, writes BTSC's Neal Coolong
There's always the "plead ignorance" card, or, in this case, the passive tossing of the doctor under the bus, but considering Gordon's spotty track record, it's really hard to believe this was a simple accident.

Keep in mind, Gordon would not be suspended if this was a first offense - suspension can only come after a second offense, with a first offense landing the player in the league's substance abuse program. A suspension now is confirmation is failed a test in the NFL - something he hasn't even been a part of for one full year.

Add in the three failed tests Gordon had in college, he's failed at least five drug tests since 2010. Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer highlights the issues Gordon has had, which bring back to mind the risks the Browns were running when taking him in the second round of the 2012 Supplemental Draft.

One might think anyone who's been caught that often may want to really turn that wrist to look at the ingredients in whatever he's taking, or, perhaps have the foresight to inform a health care provider his job has a strict policy against the ingestion of certain drugs. It wouldn't seem out of line for a doctor to check into the background of a patient and recommend medication that would allow a person to stay in compliance with their work.

This is, of course, assuming there's an ethical doctor involved, or even one that exists in the first place.

He's lucky to have gotten just a two-game suspension.

Best I can find so far. I'm positive that you will get a suspension before the third fail. Just have to find the data to back that up.
Jul 31, 2013
max said:
I've read and heard that a player doesn't get suspended until he fails his 3rd test.

Is that right? If so, then he has got to be a total idiot to get suspended.

I mean, I can't believe you fail your first test, and keep doing stuff, then fail again, and STILL keep doing stuff.

Then FAIL AGAIN and deny and complain about it.

This can't be true, can it?

not sure...but on a similar note, i noticed during the fan fest tour of the locker rooms that there were signs on the wall with instructions regarding illegal substances and that sort of thing. i wish now that i would have taken a picture of them. maybe someone else who was there can expand on this?

it just seemed kind of strange to me that these type of signs would be on the wall.


Hall of Fame
Sep 22, 2012
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... n_football</a>
NFL steroid policy

Numerous vials of injectable anabolic steroids, which have been listed as banned in the NFL banned substances policy.
The NFL banned substances policy has been acclaimed by some[18] and criticized by others,[19] but the policy is the longest running in professional sports, beginning in 1987.[18] In comparison to the policies of Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League, the NFL has long been the most strict.[citation needed] While recently MLB and the NHL decided to permanently ban athletes for a third offense, they have long been resistant to such measures, and random testing is in its infancy.[20][21] Since the NFL started random, year-round tests and suspending players for banned substances, many more players have been found to be in violation of the policy. By April 2005, 111 NFL players had tested positive for banned substances, and of those 111, the NFL suspended 54.[19]

The NFL began to test players for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs during the 1987 season.[18] The policy involves all players getting tested many times throughout the regular season, the playoffs, and even during the off-season.[2] The policy was different in the 1990s than it is today, due to heavy criticism from the United States Government.[19] Originally, there were specific guidelines for when the player was caught using a steroid or other performance-enhancing drug. If a player was caught using steroids during training camp or some other off-season workout, they were suspended for 30 days for a first-time offense.[2] Typically, this would mean missing four games, three in the pre-season and one in the regular season. Players would then be tested throughout the year for performance-enhancing drugs and steroids. A player who tested positively during a previous test might or might not be included in the next random sampling.[2] A player who tested positive again would be suspended for one year, and a suspension for a third offense was never specified, because it never happened.[2] In later years when many players ignored the policy, NFLPA director Gene Upshaw sent out a letter to all NFL players that stated:

“ "Over the past few years, we have made a special effort to educate and warn players about the risks involved in the use of "nutritional supplements." Despite these efforts, several players have been suspended even though their positive test result may have been due to the use of nutritional supplements. Under the Policy, you and you alone are responsible for what goes into your body. As the Policy clearly warns, supplements are not regulated or monitored by the government. This means that, even if they are bought over-the-counter from a known establishment, there is simply no way to be sure that they:
(a) contain the ingredients listed on the packaging;
(b) have not been tainted with prohibited substances; or
(c) have the properties or effects claimed by the manufacturer or salesperson.

Therefore, if you take these products, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK! The risk is at least a 4-game suspension without pay if a prohibited substance is detected in your system. For your own health and success in the League, we strongly encourage you to avoid the use of supplements altogether, or at the very least to be extremely careful about what you choose to take."


Jan 14, 2013
I may be completely wrong but it seems like steroids/peds, etc will usually bring the hammer down in a suspension by at least the second offense but usually the first I think.

What takes multiple offenses is pot I think. I believe they will kinda turn their heads the other way if a player tests positive for pot a few times but will continue testing that player and after a third time they'll get suspended. Still makes the player that gets suspended for that kind of stupid but still I think its the performance enhancers that they will nail a player for before they do for a simple pot violation.
Jul 31, 2013
Psycho_X said:
I may be completely wrong but it seems like steroids/peds, etc will usually bring the hammer down in a suspension by at least the second offense but usually the first I think.

What takes multiple offenses is pot I think. I believe they will kinda turn their heads the other way if a player tests positive for pot a few times but will continue testing that player and after a third time they'll get suspended. Still makes the player that gets suspended for that kind of stupid but still I think its the performance enhancers that they will nail a player for before they do for a simple pot violation.

ahhh, the ole "gateway" drug...


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
You also have to wonder if the player gets the results until he finds out he is suspended. Not an exciuse by any means but maybe they think they fooled the system cuz they didn't receive a suspension. Might as well keep doing it then - right? After all, they didn't detect LAST time. :what:


Hall of Fame
Aug 2, 2010
DegenR(g)ambler said:
Psycho_X said:
I may be completely wrong but it seems like steroids/peds, etc will usually bring the hammer down in a suspension by at least the second offense but usually the first I think.

What takes multiple offenses is pot I think. I believe they will kinda turn their heads the other way if a player tests positive for pot a few times but will continue testing that player and after a third time they'll get suspended. Still makes the player that gets suspended for that kind of stupid but still I think its the performance enhancers that they will nail a player for before they do for a simple pot violation.

ahhh, the ole "gateway" drug...

Yup, I'd have to agree. Have you noticed lately how player's following suspension have come out to proclaim: "I haven't taken any PED's." That would go a long way to explaining this repeated denial.

Ahh yes, I've been going through that gateway for 50 years now and I still haven't seen what's on the other side! :boing: :what:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
DegenR(g)ambler said:
Psycho_X said:
I may be completely wrong but it seems like steroids/peds, etc will usually bring the hammer down in a suspension by at least the second offense but usually the first I think.

What takes multiple offenses is pot I think. I believe they will kinda turn their heads the other way if a player tests positive for pot a few times but will continue testing that player and after a third time they'll get suspended. Still makes the player that gets suspended for that kind of stupid but still I think its the performance enhancers that they will nail a player for before they do for a simple pot violation.

ahhh, the ole "gateway" drug...
The only gateway pot leads to is the fridge


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
albefree69 said:
iced thinking small:
The only gateway pot leads to is the fridge

And if you run out of Doritos?

There's the fridge...

and from my experience, smokers know how to cook... and they love it.. hell I just reheated a grilled chicken breast with scalloped potatoes and bbq baked beans..

but if you're really lazy, you can look up some sort of food delivery place..