Being a Dad

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Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
Happy Father's Day Weekend.

I'm a father of 4 (2 boys and 2 girls) and while I'm sure it's annoying to hear for those of you without kids, it really is what life is all about for me.

As a youngster, I often thought that I'd prefer life without kids - not being accountable to anyone but myself seemed pretty nice - and there are days when I still long for that - but many more where I just can't imagine living without the joy of raising my kids.

It's a crap-ton of responsibility - it's not enough to just tell them what to do - they watch you. They model themselves after you. They become - in large part - what you show them. So to make them better people - you have to be a better person yourself.

And each kid out there is just so different. My wife got into parenting books when we were just getting started. We soon found out that what motivates one kid doesn't always work on the others. There is no manual- they are people.

I'm at the point in my Dad life where I don't really care how my kids do life, I just want them to be happy doing it. If one would be happiest growing cabbages in a gay commune, then so be it. We each find our own way in the world - all we can do as parents is teach them how to best find it for themselves.

It took me being a Dad to realize how good I had it with mine. It is a lifetime sacrifice - and I thank my Dad for making it for me and I'm enjoying the heck out of making it for my kids.

Enjoy the weekend, brothers. And if you are lucky enough that your Dad is still around, reach out to him.


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
My eldest daughter has autism and is coming close to the end of her first year at a special school. She's 5 years old.

We found out yesterday that in September she'll be moving up to the next level. It's the equivalent of moving up a year/grade but given her circumstances it wasn't guaranteed. Some kids in her class are being held back but my Eleanor has progressed so well that she's ready for the next steps in her journey. I couldn't be more proud of her.

@12intheBox I'm glad you said you sometimes feel like you'd like to be childless cus I get like that sometimes and feel selfish for doing so. We're only human after all. But I wouldn't swap my girls for anything


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
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Tell Eleanor that RoD said Congrats on the Move Up!!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
Happy Father's Day to all the dads on the board.