A good QB can ... (insert things Bradford can't do)

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
And here's proof!



Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #3
lol. Right back atcha, Speeps.



Pro Bowler
Nov 16, 2011
All I know is you give Sam a decent offensive line and proven Wrs and he will pick apart a defense


Jul 25, 2010
Great piece X-man.

Just goes to show any QB can look bad with all kinds of pressure. Imagine if we put that much pressure on Stafford? Game would of looked way different.

In contrast, give Sam a good OL and WR's and his level of play goes up. Way up.


Dec 11, 2010
A little adversity makes a success story that much sweeter. One of the main reasons I hate Tebow.. he hasn't faced the adversity he and his agent would have you believe.

Let them talk smack. The only thing that will keep Bradford from becoming a good QB is if the O-line explodes this season and he has a repeat of last years beating.


Hall of Fame
Oct 3, 2011
So it's come to this, huh?

This thread reeks of insecurity. I know that there are A LOT of 'chicken littles' out there in regards to Sam and his ability (or lack thereof) and this kind of helps put things back in perspective. But until he starts WINNING games and SHOWING that he belongs in the conversation, that doubt is gonna be there.

For Brady, an overthrown pass is viewed as a miscue... for Charlie-- er, Sam, it's par for the course at the moment. NOT trolling or trying to start crap... I want Sam to succeed and kick ass. I'm just really on the fence right now.... He needs to do well vs RG3 and get a W, or it will just add more fuel to the fire.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
raised_fisT said:
So it's come to this, huh?

This thread reeks of insecurity. I know that there are A LOT of 'chicken littles' out there in regards to Sam and his ability (or lack thereof) and this kind of helps put things back in perspective. But until he starts WINNING games and SHOWING that he belongs in the conversation, that doubt is gonna be there.

For Brady, an overthrown pass is viewed as a miscue... for Charlie-- er, Sam, it's par for the course at the moment. NOT trolling or trying to start crap... I want Sam to succeed and kick ass. I'm just really on the fence right now.... He needs to do well vs RG3 and get a W, or it will just add more fuel to the fire.
But that's just it. Bradford doesn't play against RG3; he plays against Washington's defense. RG3 will play against our defense.

Fans want to say this is a comparison game, but is it? Results are results but we all know the state of our Oline, the rookie receivers we want to do well and the running game that needs to succeed. This is the 2nd game of a long season. For those who can't keep perspective (the arsonists carrying gas cans), let them flail and whine.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
lol at the video, someone should show that on RamsTalk. I think romancandlenc/Dangerzone/498er's head might explode


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
I took 2 things from that vid:

1. Brady to Lloyd is going to be stinky good soon. Glad I took Lloyd as my fantasy backup.
2. We may not cross the 50 against the whiners this season. Yikes. We may not have enough qbs on the roster to get through our first meeting with them. :what:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #14
Let me clarify some things.

1. This isn't about comparing Bradford to Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Flacco, Ryan, or anyone else. This was about the ASSERTIONS that "Good QB's" don't do the things we see Bradford do (or not do). Bradford is under a microscope here, and I only wanted to point out that we need a wide angle lens. Bradford has had 27 starts. Brady and Rodgers have a combined 22 years of experience. Comparing them would be stupid.

2. No, there's no insecurity behind this video. I'm not motivated by insecurity.

3. If you're on the fence about Bradford, that's cool. Not everybody takes an approach that's steeped in optimism. Some just want to see it for themselves before they publicly proclaim he's a good QB. To that end, that's why I made that video. Basically it's a statement. If you're gonna bag on Bradford for one play, then try to use your internal comparison tool while doing it.

Does it happen to other QB's?
How do other QBs fare under similar circumstances?
Are the QB's who (do or don't do) the things you (do or don't like) about Bradford set up better?
Are you comparing the same TYPE of QB?
a. Bradford doesn't scramble like Cam Newton or Aaron Rodgers. Neither does Brady.
b. Bradford doesn't have a decade in the same system. Brady does.
c. Bradford's #1 WR is Gibson. Your comparable QB's #1 target is (___________)

It's all just food for thought.


Jul 25, 2010
X said:
Let me clarify some things.

1. This isn't about comparing Bradford to Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Flacco, Ryan, or anyone else. This was about the ASSERTIONS that "Good QB's" don't do the things we see Bradford do (or not do). Bradford is under a microscope here, and I only wanted to point out that we need a wide angle lens. Bradford has had 27 starts. Brady and Rodgers have a combined 22 years of experience. Comparing them would be stupid.

2. No, there's no insecurity behind this video. I'm not motivated by insecurity.

3. If you're on the fence about Bradford, that's cool. Not everybody takes an approach that's steeped in optimism. Some just want to see it for themselves before they publicly proclaim he's a good QB. To that end, that's why I made that video. Basically it's a statement. If you're gonna bag on Bradford for one play, then try to use your internal comparison tool while doing it.

Does it happen to other QB's?
How do other QBs fare under similar circumstances?
Are the QB's who (do or don't do) the things you (do or don't like) about Bradford set up better?
Are you comparing the same TYPE of QB?
a. Bradford doesn't scramble like Cam Newton or Aaron Rodgers. Neither does Brady.
b. Bradford doesn't have a decade in the same system. Brady does.
c. Bradford's #1 WR is Gibson. Your comparable QB's #1 target is (___________)

It's all just food for thought.

+ 1000

Even I have had my concerns about Bradford. But when you put it all in this perspective it's hard to argue.
Put Bradford in the same system for at least 2-3 years with some decent talent and even just a "good" OL and I think this is a much different conversation. Or should I say a consistent, non injury plagued OL.


Super Bowl XXXVI was rigged!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2012
That, my friend, was a thing of beauty! My first thought was to suggest that you post it on Rams (S)talk but why bother. There are simply too many there that just wouldn't get it.